§ 10-47. Application and fee.  

Latest version.
  • A minimum of 30 days before occupying the carnival or exhibition site an application for a permit shall be submitted to the county manager or his designee in four copies accompanied by:


    A surety bond in the penal sum of $2,500.00, issued by a company authorized to issue such bonds in Florida, conditioned upon the operator complying with each provision of this section and subject to forfeiture under the terms provided in subsection 10 hereinbelow.


    Evidence of current public liability insurance coverage, issued by a company authorized to do business in Florida, in the minimum amount of $100,000.00 for any one person and $300,000.00 for any one incident.


    A non-refundable fee in accordance with the current adopted fee schedule for the following.


    Permit processing;


    Fire and safety inspections; and


    Electrical and structural inspections.


    A current occupational license issued by the Collier County Tax Collector; and


    Including the following information:


    The name and headquarters address(es) of the carnival or exhibition company(ies) with a direct or indirect financial interest; name(s) and address(es) of any sponsoring organization(s), and the name and local address of the applicant representing the carnival or exhibition company(ies);


    A description of every activity to be conducted such as but not limited to, menageries; circus and side-show performances; amusement, merry-go-round and other ride activities; food and drink dispensing facilities; booths for conduct of games of skill or chance not prohibited by state law to be open to the public for an admission or participation fee and number of persons to operate the activities;


    Name and identification of each person accountable for the operation of each activity;


    A description and sketch of the site showing the location of each activity proposed, the location and number of sanitary facilities; parking facilities, and provision for lighting and public water;


    Application for food establishment operating permit from the county health department as required by Ordinance No. 74-45;


    The plan for refuse, garbage, debris, and sewage disposal during and after operation of the circus or exhibition;


    Provisions for traffic control, fire safety and security precautions;


    The date and time each activity is to be conducted and concluded;


    Written approval from the owner of the property authorizing the use of his premises for such carnival activity.

(Ord. No. 75-11, § 1(3); Ord. No. 83-6, § 1; Ord. No. 2006-16, § 1(3))

State law reference

Required insurance for certain amusements, F.S. § 546.003.