§ 118-102. Mandatory solid waste collection.  

Latest version.
  • Unless exempt from the provisions of this article or burned under a valid permit, all solid waste generated and accumulated by a person on residential real property or commercial real property within a benefit unit shall be collected, conveyed, and transported to an approved county facility by the designated contractor. Each person that owns or occupies residential real property or commercial real property in the service district shall be serviced by the contractor, except as provided in section 118-106 of this article.

    The owner(s) of commercial real property shall provide a copy of their service contract with a contractor, or an exemption permit issued pursuant to the provisions of section 118-106 of this article, for such property to obtain a certificate of occupancy from the county community development and environmental service department for such property.

    Inadvertent or mistaken issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not relieve any person from compliance with these provisions.

(Ord. No. 2005-54, § 17)