§ 130-4. Use of golf carts upon designated public roads and streets in Collier County, Florida.  

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  • (a)

    Designated in Goodland:


    The term "golf cart" is defined as stated in F.S. § 320.01, as a motor vehicle that is designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for sporting or recreational purposes and that is not capable of exceeding speeds of 20 miles per hour.


    Golf carts may be operated on those county roads and streets in Goodland, Florida located at least 125 feet west of Sunset Drive. This designation is in accordance with F.S. § 316.212.


    In addition to the requirements of F.S. § 316.212, which are applicable to the operation of golf carts on the aforementioned designated roads and streets, the following restrictions shall also apply:


    All persons operating golf carts subject to this ordinance must be a minimum of 16 years of age, hold a valid driver's license issued within the United States, and must be in possession of a valid identification card showing proof of age at all times while operating a golf cart on the designated public roads.


    The number of occupants in any golf cart operated on the designated public streets and roads shall be restricted to the number of seats on the golf cart. No occupants of a golf cart shall stand at any time while the golf cart is in motion.


    All golf carts operated under this ordinance shall be restricted to a maximum attainable speed of 20 miles per hour.


    All golf carts operating subject to this ordinance must be equipped with efficient brakes, reliable steering, safe tires, a rearview mirror, and red reflectorized warning devices in both the front and rear at all times while operated on the designated roads and streets in Goodland, Florida.


    With the exception of the Goodland residents' Christmas Holiday and Mardi Gras golf cart parades, golf carts may only be operated on the designated roads and streets during the hours between sunrise and sunset. Golf carts operating at night on those special occasions shall possess headlights, brake lights, turn signals and windshields.


    Before golf carts may be operated under this section, the owners thereof must purchase and maintain liability insurance insuring against personal injury and damage to property of any nature relative to the operation of golf carts on the designated public roads and streets.


    Violations of this section shall constitute a non-criminal infraction enforceable pursuant to the provisions of F.S. § 316.212(8).


    The Collier County Transportation Division shall post signs along the designated roads and streets where golf cart operation is allowed advising motorists of the possible presence of golf cart traffic and alerting the public that the operation of such golf carts is subject to the various requirements of this section.


    Designated in Ave Maria:


    The term "golf cart" is defined as stated in F.S. § 320.01(22), as a motor vehicle that is designed and manufactured for operation on a golf course for sporting or recreational purposes, and that is not capable of exceeding speeds of twenty (20) miles per hour.


    The term "public roads and streets" shall mean those roadways and streets that are open and available for public use and as such are part of the county road system, as defined by F.S. § 334.03.


    Golf carts may be operated on the roads and streets in Ave Maria, Florida, with the exception of designated portions of Ave Maria Boulevard, Anthem Parkway and Pope John Paul II Boulevard, where they are to be operated on sidewalks at least eight (8) feet wide, as depicted in the attached Exhibit "A." Golf carts shall not be operated on sidewalks in Ave Maria, Florida, with the exception of designated portions along Ave Maria Boulevard, Anthem Parkway and Pope John Paul II Boulevard as depicted in the attached Exhibit "A." This designation is in accordance with F.S. § 316.212.


    In addition to the requirements of F.S. § 316.212, which are applicable to the operation of golf carts on the aforementioned designated roads, streets and sidewalks, the following restrictions shall also apply:


    All persons operating golf carts subject to this Ordinance must be a minimum of fifteen (15) years of age, and hold a valid driver's license or a restricted license issued within the United States (or equivalent foreign driver's license). All persons operating golf carts pursuant to a restricted license (hereinafter referred to as an "unlicensed driver"), must be in possession of a valid restricted license at all times while operating a golf cart on the designated public roads.


    The number of occupants in any golf cart operated by an unlicensed driver on the designated streets and roads shall be restricted to the number of seats on the golf cart. No occupants of a golf cart operated by an unlicensed driver shall stand at any time while the golf cart is in motion.


    Prior to operation of golf carts under this Ordinance, all golf carts may be registered with the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District (hereinafter referred to as the "District"). With help and cooperation of Collier County Sheriffs Office, the District shall develop and distribute appropriate literature advising safe operation of the golf carts, and organize and conduct voluntary periodic inspections.


    All golf carts operated under this Ordinance shall be restricted to a maximum attainable speed of twenty (20) miles per hour. All golf carts operating on sidewalks shall be restricted to a maximum speed of fifteen (15) miles per hour.


    All golf carts operating subject to this Ordinance must be equipped with efficient brakes, reliable steering, safe tires, a rearview mirror, and red reflectorized warning devices in both the front and rear at all times while operated on the designated roads and streets in Ave Maria, Florida.


    All golf carts may only be operated on the designated roadways and sidewalks during the hours between sunrise and sunset, unless the District has authorized that golf carts may safely be operated beyond the hours from sunrise to sunset and the golf cart is equipped with functioning headlights, brake lights, turn signals, and a windshield.


    Before golf carts may be operated by unlicensed drivers under this section, the owners thereof must purchase and maintain liability insurance insuring against personal injury and damage to property of any nature relative to the operation of golf carts on the designated roadways and sidewalks.


    Violations of this section shall constitute a non-criminal infraction enforceable pursuant to the provisions of F.S. § 316.212(9).


    The District shall post signs along the designated District roads, streets and sidewalks where golf cart operation is allowed advising motorists of the possible presence of golf cart traffic, and alerting the public that the operation of such golf carts is subject to the various requirements of this Ordinance. All signing and marking shall be installed and maintained by the District in accordance with the County approved signing and marking plan. Any future revisions or change shall be approved by the County Traffic Operations Staff prior to implementation.

(Ord. No. 2006-57, § 1; Ord. No. 2016-14, § 1)