§ 134-173. District rates, fees and charges other than monthly user fees.  

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  • A.

    Meter installation charges for meters and for cross connection control devices two (2) inches or smaller in size are to be paid to the District in accordance with Appendix A - Schedule 3.


    All meters and cross connection control devices two (2) inches or smaller will be installed by the District and shall remain the property of the District.


    For meters and cross connection control devices larger than two (2) inches, the materials and labor for installation of such meters shall be furnished by the property owner or duly authorized individuals in accordance with District requirements and specifications and dedicated to the District in accordance with County ordinances, at no cost to the District.


    Meters and cross connection control devices must be left accessible to District employees at all times in conformance with all Ordinances adopted by Collier County, and applicable State and Federal laws, rules or regulations.



    When any property owner with an existing water meter makes application to the District for the installation of a larger meter to replace a smaller meter, and such installation is approved, by the District, the following charges shall apply (in accordance with Appendix A - Schedule 3): a meter installation fee, a cross connection control device charge, and if required, a tapping fee for the connection of the property to the District water facilities. No credit shall be given for any tapping charges previously paid by the property owner with respect to the smaller meter and service. A meter upsize application form must be completed, signed, and submitted by the property owner prior to the installation of any larger meter or applicable service line. The District installs meters two (2) inches or smaller. The difference in impact fees between the smaller meter and the larger meter must be paid before a work order will be issued for the installation of the larger meter and if applicable, the time and materials cost to install a larger service line.


    When any property owner, with an existing water meter, makes application to the District for the installation of a smaller meter to replace a larger meter, a meter downsize application form must be completed, signed, and submitted by the property owner. Smaller meters will only be considered where the property meets the criteria for the smaller meter size. The District installs meters two (2) inches and smaller. There shall be no refunds or credits of tapping fees or impact fees given to any property owner requesting a smaller meter.


    For installations other than those identified above, installation charges will be based on time, materials and an administrative fee. (Appendix A - Schedule 4).


    When a property owner wishes to change a meter three (3) inches or larger, the property owner shall obtain written approval from the District of such increase in meter sizing before engaging with a licensed contractor to undertake the work in full compliance with provisions of Subsection 134-174.N, of this Ordinance.


    Temporary Meters.



    Temporary meters two (2) inches or smaller may be installed and removed by the District. The fee for such installation and removal shall be based upon the District's actual costs for time, equipment and material, as appropriate, in accordance with Appendix A - Schedule 4.


    Temporary meters larger than two (2) inches may be installed and removed by contractors, in full compliance with provisions of Subsection 134-174.N, of this Ordinance.


    Mobile temporary meters may also be used. Meter readings for all mobile temporary meters must be supplied to the District on a monthly basis, as agreed at the time of application, or be subject to removal and additional charges.


    The temporary and mobile temporary meter monthly charge for service shall be based upon the commercial monthly base and volume charges in accordance with Appendix A - Schedule 1.


    A refundable temporary meter deposit (Appendix A - Schedule 5) shall be paid by the applicant concurrently with the Temporary Meter Application, except for temporary meters in association with District capital projects (projects supervised by District staff). The deposit may be used to offset any costs for repair and/or replacement to District owned temporary meters. If damages and repair costs are greater than the deposit, the applicant will be invoiced for the remainder of the difference. The deposit may also be used to offset outstanding account balances to the extent service provided through the temporary meter is requested to be terminated by the applicant or at the request of the District.


    The District will be responsible for the installation of any temporary meter two (2) inches or smaller, other than a mobile temporary meter. A work order for the installation of a temporary meter two (2) inches or smaller, will be issued by the District only upon receipt of an executed Temporary Meter Application.


    Other rates, fees, and charges established by the District include but are not limited to the services listed below. The actual charge rate for the service is in accordance with Appendix A - Schedule 5.


    New Accounts - Property Change of Ownership.


    Meter Re-read or Data Log.


    Meter Test.


    Meter Lock.


    Meter Unlock After Hours.


    Meter Removal.


    Illegal Connection.


    Credit Card Convenience Fee.


    Temporary Meter Deposit.


    Duplicate Bill Processing Fee.


    Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Processing Charge.


    Late Payment Penalty.


    Vehicle Parked Over Meter Charge.


    Removal of Landscape (to access meter box and cross connection control device).


    Late payments for monthly user fees are subject to a late payment penalty (Appendix A - Schedule 5) on the unpaid balance after the due date on the bill.


    The rates, fees and charges as established in this Section shall be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure adequate revenues for District system operation, maintenance, renewal, replacement, enhancement and debt service costs.


    Reasonable Customer Payment Agreements may be allowed at the sole discretion of the District for payment of any services provided to the account. All Customer Payment Agreements must provide for the full and timely payment of all outstanding amounts due and any additional amounts that may be due to the District as a result of providing continued service to the account. Any default of a Customer Payment Agreement payment by a property owner or a tenant (as approved by the property owner) may result in termination of service and the requirement for all outstanding balances to be paid in full before service is re-connected.




    Any debit or credit adjustments for any District service can only be made as the result of a documented and approved procedure.


    Debit and/or credit adjustments for District errors and omissions should be applied to the account or refunded, if appropriate, and are subject to appropriate review and authorization in accordance with the approved table of authorities.


    Refund of Credit Balances/Final Bills.


    Refunds of credit balances for a continuing account shall be processed and forwarded to the County's Finance Department for disbursement on a weekly basis.


    Refunds of credit balances as a result of final bills shall be processed and forwarded to the County's Finance Department for disbursement on a monthly basis.


    Refunds of credit balances will be made payable to the individual or entity who made the monthly payment(s) during the period for which the credit balance relates.


    In no event, shall refunds be processed for credit balances which are less than the cost of processing as set forth in Appendix A - Schedule 5.


    In no event, shall final bills less than the cost of processing as set forth in Appendix A - Schedule 5 be processed and mailed.


    Allowance for funds prudently invested (AFPI) fee.


    The board of county commissioners as ex-officio board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District hereby adopts allowance for funds prudently invested (AFPI) fees, as set forth in Schedule 7 hereby appended as part of Appendix A to this ordinance. The AFPI charges may be changed from time-to-time by Collier County Ordinance, or by resolution of the board of county commissioners, always acting as ex-officio board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, provided the board publishes notice of one scheduled public hearing with regard to all such then proposed changes. The proposed resolution or ordinance can be agendized on the board's regular agenda or on its summary agenda.


    Allowance for funds prudently invested (AFPI) fees afford the district an opportunity to earn up to a fair rate of return on the district's investment in water and/or wastewater plant that has been constructed but is not yet used and useful. Such non-used and useful plant is by definition held for future use by the district's future water and/or wastewater customers. Such non-used and useful plant incurs costs such as, but not limited to, the district's embedded costs of borrowed money, investment of the district's money in such plant, as well as operation and maintenance expenses between the time the plant is constructed and the time all of the respective equivalent residential connections (ERCs) are connected to the district's respective utility system by means of an "active connection." Calculation of the AFPI charges excludes plant paid from impact fees, which are classified in law as "contributions-in-aid of construction" ("CIAC").


    The amount of the applicable AFPI charge is controlled (determined) by the month when the related impact fee (a) to pay for the respective ERCs is received by county staff. Each AFPI charge is calculated for one equivalent residential connection (ERC) on a month-to-month basis. In this context there is no distinction between an ERC for residential use, industrial use, commercial use or any other uses.


    These AFPI charges apply only to ERCs reserved by payment of the relevant water and/or wastewater impact fees actually received by county staff subsequent to October 1, 2006 and these AFPI charges shall cease to apply to ERCS reserved by staff's receipt of these impact fee payments subsequent to December 31, 2012.


    All water AFPI charges shall be accounted for in a separate account for the subject water treatment facilities. All wastewater AFPI charges shall be accounted for in a separate account for the subject wastewater treatment facilities.

(Ord. No. 01-73, § 1.3, 12-11-01; Ord. No. 2006-27, § 1; Ord. No. 2013-44, § 1)