§ 14-29. Authority of Director; Interference with Officer in Performance of Duty.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    The director of animal services (hereinafter "Director") shall have all necessary authority to enforce this Ordinance, and pick up, catch or procure any animal in violation of this Ordinance, and have such animal impounded within the animal services center or other designated place.


    The Director shall have authority to enter upon any public or private property, except a building designated for and actually used for residential purposes and other buildings within the curtilage of the principal residential building, for the purpose of enforcing this Ordinance.


    It shall be unlawful for a person to interfere with, hinder, molest or abuse the Director, the health officer, or any of their subordinates in the performance of their lawful duties under this Ordinance or under Florida law.


    It shall be unlawful for any owner of any animal to refuse to surrender such animal for impoundment or quarantine as provided by this Ordinance when demand for surrender of the animal is made by the health officer, Director, or other enforcement officer.


    The Director or the Sheriff of Collier County, or their respective designees, shall have the authority to destroy any free roaming untagged dog or cat when other reasonable means and methods to capture are tried but failed, or when a diligent search has been made to establish ownership has failed, and it has been ascertained by citizen complaint or investigation that the animal has aggressive tendencies and poses a threat of injury to persons or other animals, or has caused bodily injury to a person or has physically injured or killed livestock.

(Ord. No. 2018-33, § 1)