§ 14-79. Regulations for Animal-Related Businesses and Organizations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Posting of Permit. Each animal-related business and organization will prominently display a current, valid county animal services-issued operational permit.




    Each animal-related business or organization which accepts privately owned animals into its custody shall report to animal services any obvious case of neglect or animal abuse pursuant to the Collier County Animal Control Ordinance, these Standards, or F.S. ch. 828, "Cruelty to Animals." Animal services' phone number shall be posted in a prominent location.


    Each animal-related business or organization will post emergency contact information in a prominent place visible from the exterior of the main entrance to the premises. If an animal-related organization is located in a premises used primarily as a residence, this contact information does not need to be prominently posted, but must be kept current and on file with animal services, the local law enforcement entity, and the local fire department. This contact shall be available at all hours in case of emergencies or other enforcement-related matters.


    Each animal-related business or organization shall have a written disaster plan to address both immediate and noticed evacuation of all animals in case of an emergency. This plan shall be posted in a prominent location.


    Each animal-related business or organization shall have a working telephone available at all times in case of an emergency. The name of the establishment's veterinarian and the veterinarian's phone number shall be posted in a prominent location.


    Each animal-related business or organization shall provide for adequate rodent and insect control.




    Each animal-related business or organization shall keep records on all animals currently under its care. These records shall be maintained on each animal individually.


    The information in these records shall include but not be limited to rabies vaccination, all other inoculations and prescription or medical treatments administered.


    Where the animal-related business or organization has a duty to care for, but not a right of ownership in the animal, records shall also include the owner's name, address, emergency telephone number, owner's proof of identification, and name and telephone number of owner's veterinarian. In addition, a medical release must be obtained from the owner or his designee for each animal and shall become part of the animal's record so that emergency treatment can be given if the animal shows signs of illness or is injured while in the care and custody of the animal-related entity. Exceptions to this provision may be made on a case-by-case basis when due to extenuating circumstances it is in the best interest of the animal for the animal owner to remain anonymous.


    Where the animal-related business or organization has a right of ownership in the animal, records shall indicate where the animal was obtained.


    A copy of a current (within the previous twelve months) negative Coggins test (equine infectious anemia) shall be on record for each equine (except nursing foals). No equine shall be accepted for board unless a current (within the past twelve months) negative Coggins test record is produced by the owner.


    All records as described herein shall be kept for a period of two years.


    All records shall be made available to the inspecting officer upon request.




    Clippers, combs, brushes and any other equipment shall be sanitized after each animal grooming.


    Animals shall not be left unattended while tethered to grooming stations.


    Clean, separate drying towels shall be used for each individual animal groomed.


    Tepid water must be used for the purpose of washing dogs and cats. Cold water is not acceptable.


    Grooming bathtubs shall be sanitized after each animal grooming. Grooming bathtubs shall be maintained free of mold and mildew.


    Clippers, dryers, combs, brushes and any other grooming equipment shall be maintained in good repair so that they are appropriate for the intended safe use per the manufacturers' or suppliers' instructions.


    Long-term Nonresidential (Institutional) Housing of Dogs.


    Dogs maintained in a nonresidential setting for a period longer than three months shall be afforded protective measures. The responsible party shall notify animal services regarding all dogs maintained in a nonresidential setting for longer than three months and shall comply with the following requirements:


    A veterinarian will examine the animal once every six months. Dogs not maintained on a heartworm preventative program shall be given an occult heartworm test and started on preventative or treated for same.


    A professional behaviorist or trainer will evaluate the animal once every three months and recommend a behavioral enrichment program.


    The dog will receive a minimum of fifty minutes of play, interaction, grooming and/or training each week or the care stipulated by the recommended behavioral enrichment program, whichever is more stringent. Dogs with medical conditions prohibiting play or training sessions shall be excluded from this requirement upon written certification of the medical condition by a licensed veterinarian.


    Records shall be kept evidencing compliance with the above.

(Ord. No. 2013-55, § 4)