§ 14-81. Regulations for Breeders and Pet Shops.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permit Notification.


    The appropriate permit number shall be provided on all advertisements and promotions concerning the sale or give-away of an animal.


    The appropriate permit number shall be provided to all persons who buy or accept ownership of an animal.


    Requirements for Sale of Dogs and Cats.


    Dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens acquired for resale must be examined by a licensed veterinarian within five business days of physical acquisition.


    Dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens offered for sale must be at least eight weeks of age.


    Dogs, cats, puppies and kittens offered for sale must be accompanied by an Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (OCVI).


    The OCVI must contain the following information:


    The date of the examination by the examining veterinarian.


    The examining veterinarian's license number.


    The examining veterinarian's signature.


    The age, breed, sex, color, and any distinguishing marks of the animal.


    The health record of the animal.


    Any tests performed and their results, and any vaccinations or other treatments administered, including vaccine type, lot number, expiration date, and date of administration, including those not specifically enumerated below.


    A statement that the examining veterinarian warrants, to the best of his knowledge, that the dog or cat has no sign of contagious or infectious diseases and has no evidence of internal or external parasites, including coccidiosis and ear mites, but excluding fleas and ticks.


    A statement concerning whether or not the examining veterinarian has detected any physical abnormalities in the dog or cat, including but not limited to a heart murmur, and umbilical hernia, entropian, and inguinal hernia, and cryptorchidism.


    The OCVI must document that the following inoculations, tests, and treatments have been administered, unless the veterinarian certifies on the OCVI that to inoculate or deworm the animal is not in the best medical interest of the animal, in which case the vaccine or anthelmintic may not be administered to that particular animal:


    For dogs or puppies:


    Vaccination against canine distemper, leptospirosis, bordetella, parainfluenza, hepatitis, and canine parvovirus. A rabies inoculation must be provided for any dog over three months of age.


    Diagnostic tests to detect the following internal parasites: hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms, coccidia and giardia. Heartworm detection must occur for dogs six months of age or older. Appropriate treatment for all positive findings must be documented.


    For cats or kittens:


    Vaccination against panleukopenia, feline viral rhino tracheitis, and calici virus. A rabies inoculation must be provided for any cat over three months of age.


    Diagnostic tests to detect the following internal parasites: hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and coccidia. Appropriate treatment for all positive findings must be documented.


    Diagnostic test to detect Feline Leukemia with the result listed on the OCVI.


    If the animal is less than four months of age, the tests, vaccines, and anthelmintics required above must be administered no more than twenty-one days before sale within the county. If the animal is four months of age or older, the tests, vaccines, and anthelmintics required above must be administered at or after three months of age, but no more than one year before sale within the county.


    The sale of the dog, cat, puppy, or kitten shall take place no more than thirty days after the OCVI has been issued.


    If a dog, cat, puppy, or kitten is not sold within thirty days of the issuance of the OCVI, then a new examination and OCVI must be obtained.


    All dogs, cats, puppies and kittens offered for sale must be implanted with a microchip.




    Breeders shall maintain records of each litter of puppies and kittens born. Such records shall include the date of birth, number of puppies and litters born, and the license tag number of each parent.


    Pet shops shall maintain records of each animal acquired for sale. Such records shall include the name and address of the source of the animal, the animal's date of birth, and date the animal was received.


    Breeders and pet shops shall maintain a separate record of each animal sold containing the breed, sex, color, and identifying marks of the animal; all OCVIs and medical records for each animal; the name and address of the purchaser; and the number of the microchip implanted in the animal. If the disposition of the animal is not through sale, the records shall indicate the type and date of disposition, including the name and address of any subsequent owner, if one exists.


    If a dog or cat dies while in the possession of a breeder or pet shop, the breeder or pet shop shall secure the services of a licensed veterinarian to determine the cause of death or suspected cause of death. The veterinarian shall document the date of death and known or suspected cause of death on an OCVI.


    Records indicating the disposition of all animals shall be forwarded to animal services on a quarterly basis.


    All records as described herein shall be kept for a period of two years.


    All records shall be made available to the inspecting officer upon request.




    At the time of sale, breeders and pet shops must provide the purchaser with:


    A copy of the complete record pertaining to the individual animal as described above;


    Literature to be provided by animal services outlining the provisions of the Collier County Animal Control Ordinance; and


    A copy of F.S. § 828.29, Dogs and cats transported or offered for sale; health requirements; consumer guarantee.


    The above information must be provided to prospective purchasers upon request.


    Pet Lemon Law.


    All breeders and pet shops must comply with any applicable provisions of F.S. § 828.29 Dogs and cats transported or offered for sale; health requirements; consumer guarantee. Where any conflict exists between these standards and this section, the more restrictive shall apply.


    This section does not in any way limit the rights or remedies that are otherwise available to a consumer under any other law.


    Exemptions. Animal services, humane societies, and 501(c)3 rescue organizations shall be exempt from the provisions of this section.

(Ord. No. 2013-55, § 6)