§ 22-84. Issuance of citations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person designated as a contractors' licensing investigator is hereby authorized to issue citations for violations of article V of this chapter, the county contractor's licensing ordinance, where such violations are witnessed by said investigator.


    Any person designated as zoning investigator is hereby authorized to issue citations for violations of the county zoning ordinance, the protected tree ordinance and subsequent amendments relating to said ordinances, where such violations are witnessed by said investigator.


    A citation issued by said investigators under the provisions of this article shall be in substantially the following form:

    Agency Case #_____





    In the name of Collier County, Florida: The undersigned certifies that he has just and reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe that:

    On the _____ day of _____ , 19_____, at _____ (a.m.)



    Last Name       First       M.I.       Aliases       

    Street, City and State       Date and Place of Birth   

    Phone       Race/Sex       Height       Weight       Hair       Eyes       Scars/Marks

    Occupation       Place of Employment       Employment Phone

    Complexion       Driver's License # Yr/St.       Social Security

    At (location) _____

    in Collier County, Florida, committed the following offense:

    (1)  _____    (2)  _____

    in violation of section(s): _____  ( ) County Ord.

    DID (Narrative): _____









    Name of Officer       ID#       Agency

     ( ) Mandatory appearance in County Court, _____


    ___________, 19___, at _____ ( ) a.m.  ( ) p.m.

    Month and Day

     ( ) You need not appear in court, but must comply with instructions on back.

    Fine and Cost _____


    (  ) Cited
    1. _____ (  )
    Name DOB Address
    (  ) Cited
    2. _____ (  )
    Name DOB Address


    I agree to appear at the time and place designated above to answer the offense charged or to pay the fine subscribed. I understand that should I willfully fail to appear before the court as required by this notice to appear, that I may be held in contempt of court and a warrant for my arrest shall be issued.

    Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of ________, 19___. _____
    Signature of Defendant


    Notary Public-State of FLA.
    I swear the above and reverse and attached statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


    Collier County Zoning Enforcement Section ( )


    Collier County Building Code Compliance Department ( )


    Additional information shall be supplied on the back of the citation in the following form:


    If you desire to plead guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) and you need not appear in court as indicated on the face of this notice, you may present this notice at the county court named on the reverse of this page.

    From _____ ,
    to _____ ,


    and pay a fine of _____ dollars in cash, money order, or certified check.

    The waiver below must be completed and attached. Read carefully.

    Your failure to answer this summons in the manner subscribed will result in a warrant being issued on a separate and additional charge.

    "In consideration of my not appearing in court, I, the undersigned, do hereby enter my appearance on the affidavit for the offense charged on the other side of this notice and waive the reading of the affidavit in the above-named cause and the right to be present at the trial of said action. I hereby enter my plea of GUILTY ( ) or NOLO CONTENDERE ( ), and waive my right to prosecute appeal or error proceedings."

    "I understand the nature of charge against me; I understand my right to have counsel and waive this right and the right to a continuance. I waive my right to trial before a judge or jury. I PLEAD GUILTY ( ) or NOLO CONTENDERE ( ) to the charge being fully aware that my signature to this plea will have the same effect as a judgment of this Court."

    Total Fine and Cost: _____

    Defendant Signature: _____

    Address: _____


    Fine and cost may be paid at or mailed to: Clerk of Courts

    Check One: At: ( ) (Central Division) Collier County Courthouse, Naples, Fla. 33942
    Or: ( ) (Eastern Division) Branch Courthouse, Immokalee, Fla. 33934


    (Ord. No. 82-20, § 4; Ord. No. 85-34, § 4)
