Collier County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 22-182. Applications—General.
Generally. Any person or business organization desiring to obtain a certificate of competency shall make application under oath for such certificate and shall submit such information as is required by this division.
Should the applicant be a business organization, the application shall be executed by a legally authorized and empowered representative of the business organization who shall show his authority to so act on the application. In addition, the application shall name a qualifying agent authorized to act on behalf of the firm in all subsequent proceedings, showing his authority:
To act for the firm in all matters and in any manner connected with the contracting business; and
To supervise the construction under the certificate of competency issued to the applicant.
A qualifying agent may qualify no more than one firm, practicing the same trade, without prior approval of the contractors' licensing board, and in no event more than two firms at the same time.
No application shall be considered unless the applicant supplies all information as required by this division.
The board of county commissioners shall establish and adopt, by resolution, a schedule of fees and charges for applications for certificates of competency, renewals, late fees and other charges, if applicable, pertaining to this article. It is the intent of these regulations that the county shall not be required to bear any part of the cost of applications made under this division. The schedule of fees and charges shall be posted in the office of the building review and permitting department of the community development and environmental services division of Collier County government and the city's building and zoning division (department), and the resolution establishing such fees shall be on file with the city's clerk and the clerk to the board. The schedule of fees and charges may be changed in accordance with standard resolution adoption and amendment procedures of the board of county commissioners and repeal or amendment of the schedule shall not be subject to the procedure otherwise necessary for amendment of this division. Current fees and charges are set forth in Resolution No. 87-108 and shall remain in effect until said resolution is amended or superseded.
Individual. Any person desiring a certificate of competency shall submit the following information on forms provided by the county contractor licensing supervisor:
Name of applicant, date of birth, Social Security Number and driver's license number;
Home address and telephone number;
Business address and telephone number. A contractor is required to maintain an office in Collier County or have an agent in Collier County for purposes of receiving notices pursuant to this article;
Name of applicant's business;
Applicant's proposed contracting business;
If applicable, verification that applicant has properly registered under the fictitious name statutes;
Type of certificate of competency for which application is being made;
A complete list of all outstanding debts related to the applicant's contracting business which the applicant has not paid or refuses to pay and a statement of the reasons for nonpayment;
Names and telephone numbers of two persons who will always know the applicant's whereabouts;
A statement whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a crime related to contracting and any crime of moral turpitude;
Applicant's business or work experience during the past ten years;
Any formal training in the area of competency for which application is made;
In addition to the aforementioned information, the applicant shall attach or submit the following information:
A credit report compiled by a nationally recognized credit agency that reflects the financial responsibility of the applicant;
Affidavits as to the applicant's honesty, integrity, good business reputation and competence in the trade category for which application for a Collier County or city's certificate of competency has been made. Said affidavits shall be in substantially the form issued by the county contractor licensing supervisor or his/her designee;
Scores on the examination applicable to the license applied for, including the area of competency tested, the date of testing and the place of testing. Said examination shall have been administered by a testing agency recognized and approved throughout the State of Florida as provided for in section 22-185.
Business organizations. If the applicant proposes to engage in contracting as a partnership, corporation, business trust, or other legal entity, the applicant shall apply through a qualifying agent and comply with all requirements and responsibilities contained in F.S. §§ 489.119 and 489.1195. Any business organization desiring a certificate of competency in Collier County shall submit the following information on forms provided by the Collier County Contractor Licensing Supervisor.
Business organization name;
Business address and telephone number. A business organization must have an office in Collier County or have an agent in Collier County for purposes of receiving notices pursuant to this article;
Qualifying agent;
Proposed contracting business;
Type of certificate of competency for which application is made;
Names and addresses of all partners, directors and officers;
Where applicable, a copy of a certificate of incorporation or proof of recorded fictitious name;
A list of all contracting businesses owned by the business organization during the last five years;
A credit report from a nationally recognized credit agency if the business organization has been in existence for more than one year. If the business organization has been in existence for less than one year, a credit report on every business organization in which the applicant/qualifier was an agent is required. If neither of the above is applicable a personal credit report on the applicant/qualifier is required;
A complete list of all outstanding debts related to the business organization's contracting business which the business organization has not paid or refuses to pay and a statement of the reasons for nonpayment;
The signature of an authorized officer of the business organization;
Qualifier information:
The name of the qualifying agent and date of birth;
The name of the business organization to be qualified;
Type of certificate of competency for which application is made;
The home address of the qualifying agent;
The names and telephone numbers of two persons who will always know the qualifying agent's whereabouts;
Scores on any approved examination; including the area of competency tested, the date of testing and the place of testing;
Affidavits as to the qualifier's honesty, integrity, good business reputation and competence in the trade category for which application for a Collier County or city certificate of competency has been made;
A statement as to whether the qualifying agent has ever been convicted of a crime related to contracting and any crime of moral turpitude;
A complete list of all outstanding debts related to the qualifying agent's contracting business which the qualifying agent has not paid or refuses to pay and a statement of the reasons for nonpayment;
A statement of the qualifying agent's business and work experience during the previous five years;
A statement of any formal training possessed by the qualifying agent in the trade category for which application is made for a competency card;
Proof that the qualifying agent is legally qualified to act for the business organization in all matters connected with its contracting business and that said qualifying agent has the authority to supervise construction undertaken by such business organization. Proof that a qualifying agent is legally qualified to act for the business organization includes, but is not limited to, authority to sign checks for the business organization, training and supervision of employees, hiring and firing of employees or other actions indicating active involvement in the business organization.
Master or journeyman applications. Applications for a certificate of competency as a master or journeyman shall contain the following information:
The name of the applicant and date of birth;
Home address and telephone number;
Business address and telephone number;
Type of certificate of competency for which application is being made;
The names and telephone numbers of two persons who will always know the applicant's whereabouts;
Scores on any approved examination, including the area of competency tested, the date of testing and the place of testing;
A statement of the applicant's business or work experience during the past ten years;
A statement of any formal training in the trade categories for which application is made for a competency card.
Additional requirements. In addition to the foregoing requirements, each applicant shall submit the following information as a prerequisite to the issuance of a county competency card:
The applicant's state registration number or a statement that the applicant has made application for a state registration number (anyone not required to have a state registration number by F.S. ch. 489 is exempted from this subsection);
The applicants' individual or business organization's United States Internal Revenue Tax number;
Proof of insurance as required by section 22-187;
A statement that the applicant has or will comply with all workers' compensation laws of the State of Florida prior to contracting in the City of Naples and in Collier County;
Where applicable, a statement that the applicant has registered his fictitious name with the Florida Department of State, Fictitious Name Filing Section, as required by F.S. § 865.09;
When a certificate of competency is issued in the name of a business organization, the certificate shall be in the name of the business organization and the name of the qualifying agent shall be noted thereon. The requirements of this section shall be deemed to be a portion of the application and any false statement made by an applicant as to information required by this section shall be grounds for discipline as provided for in section 22-202 of this article.
(Ord. No. 90-105, §§ 2.1—2.4, 2.5.4; Ord. No. 92-61, § 2; Ord. No. 94-34, § 2; Ord. No. 95-11, § 1, 2-28-95; Ord. No. 97-68, § 1, 10-28-97; Ord. No. 99-45, § 2.1—2.4, 6-8-99; Ord. No. 2002-21, §§ 1(2.1—2.4), 5-14-02; Ord. No. 2006-46, § 1(, 10-10-06)