Collier County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 22-191. Renewal of certificates of competency.
Certificates of competency shall expire annually at midnight on September 30th of each year.
The contractor licensing supervisor shall direct the mailing of renewal notices to all licensed contractors at least one month prior to the expiration date of the licenses.
Applicants for renewal must present the contractor licensing supervisor or his/her designee with the following:
Evidence of insurance as required by this article.
A current Collier County and/or city occupational license, as applicable.
Any individual or business organization failing to renew his or its certificate of competency prior to midnight on September 30th of each year shall have until midnight December 31st of the same year to renew his or its certificate of competency; provided however, that in addition to payment of the standard renewal fee as required by this article, the applicant shall be charged a late fee in accordance with the schedule of fees and charges adopted by resolution pursuant to subsection 22-182(a)(4).
Should September 30th or December 31st be a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the renewal period shall not expire until midnight of the next working day.
Any individual failing to renew his certificate of competency prior to December 31st shall be required to make reapplication pursuant to this division.
Any individual who fails to renew his/her certificate of competency prior to December 31 of the year in which it expires shall have a delinquent certificate of competency.
Any individual who renews his/her certificate of competency by September 30 of the year following its expiration, but after December 31 of that year, shall have a suspended certificate and thereby must pay an additional late fee in accordance with the schedule of fees and charges adopted by resolution pursuant to section 22-185 herein, and must reapply in full including updated credit reports and all other documentation required in Division 2 herein, but no re-testing shall be required.
Any individual who fails to renew his/her certificate of competency prior to December 31 of the year following its expiration shall thereby automatically have a certificate of competency that is null and void. To acquire a valid certificate from the county the individual must pay the then applicable full application fee in accordance with the schedule of fees and charges adopted by resolution pursuant to subsection 22-182(a)(4) herein, and must submit an entire new application. If, as of the date of receipt by the county of said new application, three years have passed since the date of his/her most recent examination that the individual passed to acquire the former certificate, that individual must pass all then applicable testing requirements. If the request is to reactivate a dormant certificate, the re-testing requirement can be waived by staff if the applicant proves that he/she has been active in the trade in another jurisdiction, or has been active as an inspector or investigator in the trade, or for other valid reason that would render such re-testing superfluous.
(Ord. No. 90-105, § 1.4; Ord. No. 92-61, § 1; Ord. No. 94-34, § 1; Ord. No. 97-68, § 1, 10-28-97; Ord. No. 99-45, § 1.4—1.4.9, 6-8-99)