§ 22-240. Responsibilities of owners of nonresidential structure, vacant buildings, vacant structures, and vacant or unimproved lots.  

Latest version.
  • All owners of nonresidential structures, vacant buildings, vacant structures and vacant or unimproved lots shall comply with the following requirements:


    Nonresidential Structures:


    All nonresidential structures shall be watertight, weather-tight, insect-proof and in good repair.


    Every foundation, exterior wall and roof shall be reasonably watertight, weather-tight and rodent-proof, shall adequately support the building at all times, and shall be in a workmanlike state of maintenance and repair.


    Every interior partition, wall, floor and ceiling shall be reasonably tight and maintained in a workmanlike state of repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.


    All rainwater shall be so drained and conveyed from every roof, and the lot shall be graded and drained, as not to cause dampness in the walls, ceilings, floors or basement of a structure.


    Every window, exterior door shall be reasonably weather-tight, watertight, and rodent-proof and shall be maintained in sound condition and repair, and secured with proper hardware.


    Every inside and outside stairway, every porch and every appurtenance thereto shall be constructed to be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon, and it shall be maintained in sound condition and repair.


    Every supplied plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be properly installed and maintained in sanitary working condition, free from defect, leaks, and obstruction.


    Every toilet, restroom and bathroom floor shall be constructed and maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water, and such floors shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.


    Every supplied facility, piece of equipment or utility which is required under this chapter shall be so constructed and installed that it will function safely, and effectively, and shall be maintained in good working condition.


    All exterior surfaces shall be protected from decay by painting or other protective covering or treatment. Substantial evidence of molding or chipping of the exterior surface will be required to be treated, repainted or both. All siding shall be weather-resistant and watertight.


    No abandoned, unlicensed or inoperative vehicle shall be permitted on commercial or nonresidential property in view of the general public.


    Exterior Lighting. All outdoor lighting shall be in compliance with the following: a) non-vehicular light sources that shine into the eye of drivers of vehicles or pedestrian which could impair safe traverse are prohibited; b) all lighting shall be shielded and aimed at owner's premises or sidewalk and shall not create an adverse affect on adjacent properties.


    Landscaping maintenance. Where landscaping plans have been specifically incorporated and approved in a development plan, the landscape areas shall be maintained in a manner equal to the original landscaping approval.


    Accessory structures. Garages, storage buildings and all other accessory structures shall be maintained in good repair and sound structural condition. Structures, attached or unattached to the principal structure, which are found by the building official to be structurally deficient, shall be repaired or demolished within the timeframe set by the notice of such condition. Maintenance of accessory structures shall comply with the following:


    The exterior of the building and premises to include but not limited to parking areas and landscaping areas shall be maintained in a sound, clean and neat condition.


    Signs shall be maintained in good condition. Where the sign structure remains, the sign faces are to be placed with black panels (permit required). The design and color is subject to approval by the Building Department under the applicable development regulations.


    All advertising structures, awnings and accompanying support members shall be maintained in good repair and shall not constitute a nuisance or safety hazard. Advertising structures or awnings not properly maintained in accordance with this subsection shall be removed. Awnings or marquees made of cloth, plastic or a similar material shall not show evidence of tearing, ripping or holes. Upon removal of advertising structure or awning, all supporting members shall be removed. Where supporting members have been left from sign removal prior to adoption of this article, such supporting member shall be removed within three months of the effective date of this ordinance. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to authorize any encroachments on streets, sidewalks or other parts of the public right-of-way.


    Where parking areas are to be barricaded to prohibit vehicular travel, it shall be accomplished by installation of parking bumpers pinned to the pavement.


    Structures and Unimproved Lots:


    Every owner of a building, structure or lot, vacant or occupied, shall keep the premises in clean and sanitary condition, including yards, lawn, courts and driveways. Any dead or dying landscaping must be replaced and maintained. Uneven or damaged surfaces with or without holes must be repaired.


    Exterior premises shall be kept free from the excessive growth of weeds, grass and other flora.


    Every owner of a building, structure or lot, previously improved or occupied, shall grade and maintain the exterior premises so as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, except for permitted storm water management detention/retention purposes.


    Unauthorized motor vehicles are prohibited from parking on or driving across any portions of a vacant lot, except for areas designated and approved by the County.


    Animals and pets shall not be kept on the premises in such manner as to create unsanitary conditions or constitute a public nuisance.


    Every owner of a building, structure or lot shall keep the premises reasonably free from rodents, insects and vermin.


    The roof of every building or structure shall be well drained of rainwater.


    All exterior surfaces shall be properly maintained and protected from the elements by paint or other approved protective coating applied in a workmanlike fashion.


    Every owner of a building, structure or lot, vacant or occupied, shall be responsible for removing any unauthorized obsolete, non-complying or any deteriorated signs, posters and graffiti from the building's exterior.


    All signs must be maintained and comply with the provisions of the Land Development Code. Should a wall sign be removed, the wall surface must be painted in a workmanlike fashion in the same color as the adjacent exterior walls of the building to remove any shadowing created by the removed sign.


    All materials used to board or secure a vacant building against entry shall be painted in a workmanlike fashion in the same color as the adjacent exterior walls of the building.


    Every owner of a building or structure that is vacant and unsecured shall secure and maintain in secure condition all entrances and all other openings of such building or structure including, but not limited to, windows and doorways.


    Whenever any ground floor window of a vacant commercial storefront is found to be shattered, cracked, missing or broken, the owner of such building shall repair or replace the window.


    All non-residential and commercial properties must provide parking facilities in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code and shall be treated with a stabilized surface. Such facilities must be maintained in good condition and repairs to the parking surfaces must be made with like material. Parking shall be limited to designated areas (striped parking spaces) and said areas must be clearly marked. At no time should the rights-of-way be utilized for storage or parking of customer, employee or company vehicles parking, nor shall any item(s) be placed, abandoned or allowed to remain in any right-of-way.

(Ord. No. 2010-02, § 16)