Collier County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 2-197. Reserved Rights.
Reserved Rights: Collier County reserves the right in any solicitation to accept or reject any or all bids, proposals or offers; to waive minor irregularities and technicalities; or to request resubmission. Also, Collier County reserves the right to accept all or any part of any bid, proposal, or offer, and to increase or decrease quantities to meet additional or reduced requirements of Collier County. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Article, if none or only one responsive and responsible bid or proposal is received following any solicitation, the County Manager, or designee, reserves the right to reject all bids, proposals or offers and to negotiate with any responsible providers to secure the best terms and conditions in the sole interest of the County unless otherwise provided by law.
Rejection of Bids and Negotiation:
The Procurement Services Director shall have authority to review all submittals in response to a County solicitation and to review these submittals for responsiveness, responsibility, price and other factors in making a determination for Recommendation of Award. The Procurement Services Director may reject any submittal and cancel any solicitation at any time prior to a contract being signed. The Board of County Commissioners shall have the authority to reject any and all bids at any time.
If the lowest, responsive bid exceeds the budgeted amount and, if the purchase is not funded in whole or in part with interagency grant dollars, the Procurement Services Director may negotiate changes with the apparent lowest responsible and responsive bidder that will bring prices into budgeted limits subject to the final approval and acceptance of the Board. If the budgeted amount includes grant funds, the Procurement Services Director shall be authorized to conduct such negotiations provided said actions are not prohibited by law or the grant conditions.
All Notices of Recommended Award will be generated and posted by the Procurement Services Director prior to presentation of any contract for signature by the Board of County Commissioners.
(Ord. No. 2017-08, § 12)