The cost of the projects may be deemed to also include but not be limited to, the
cost of acquisition of sites; legal, engineering, fiscal, architectural fees and fees
of any other experts or consultants employed by the board; engineering or architectural
studies; surveys, plans and designs for the projects; provisions for capitalization
of interest for a reasonable period after issuance of the obligations and for debt
service reserves; premiums for municipal bond insurance policies; the expense of the
issuance, authorization and sale of the obligations, including advertisements, notices
and other proceedings in connection therewith; reimbursement to the county for any
temporary funding of the projects; payment of principal of and interest on and costs
and expenses of issuance of any short-term financing, pending issuance of the obligations;
the discount on the sale of the obligations, if any; and such other expenses as are
necessary, incidental or appurtenant to the purposes authorized hereunder.
(Ord. No. 82-47, § 6)
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