Any person aggrieved by the decision of the County Manager or his designee regarding
any petition for which environmental issues cannot be resolved between the applicant
and staff in which there is no other avenue of appeal may file a written request for
appeal, not later than 10 days after said decision, with the EAC. The EAC will notify
the aggrieved person and the County Manager or his designee of the date, time and
place that such appeal shall be heard; such notification will be given 21 days prior
to the hearing unless all parties waive this requirement. The appeal will be heard
by the EAC within 60 days of the submission of the appeal. No less than 10 days prior
to the hearing the aggrieved person and staff shall submit to the EAC and to the County
Manager or his designee copies of the data and information they intend to use in the
appeal, and will also simultaneously exchange such data and information with each
other. Upon conclusion of the hearing the EAC will submit to the Board of County Commissioners
its facts, findings and recommendations. The Board of County Commissioners, in regular
session, will make the final decision to affirm, overrule or modify the decision of
the County Manager or his designee in light of the recommendations of the EAC.
(Ord. No. 2009-32, § 1)
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