§ 30-45. Local office; operations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Local office. The franchisee shall, throughout the entire duration of its franchise, maintain an office within the county open to the public during all reasonable business hours.


    Franchise officials. The franchisee shall designate a resident manager of the system, and such person shall reside in close proximity to the service area of the franchisee and shall be active in the management of the system in the county throughout the duration of the franchise. The franchisee shall notify the county in writing of any change of the resident manager within 30 calendar days of the change.


    Maintaining telephone access. Each franchisee shall maintain within its office a telephone system with a toll-free telephone number for all exchanges serving the franchise area; and such system shall be so operated that complaints and requests for repairs may be received at any time 24 hours a day, each day of the year, by a person representing the franchisee.


    Studio facilities. Each franchise existing prior to this article and serving a minimum of 25,000 subscribers as of the enactment of this article [November 15, 1988] or upon attaining a minimum of 25,000 subscribers shall maintain studio facilities adequate to serve the subscribers of the franchise within the county, as determined by the board. Each franchise granted pursuant to this article shall, upon serving a minimum of 25,000 subscribers, maintain studio facilities adequate to serve the subscribers of the franchise within the county, as determined by the board. Consistent with community needs and interests, facilities shall be adequate to provide the space, lighting, and audio and visual equipment necessary for on-site videotaping and audio recording of educational, governmental or civic programs. Facilities will also have the capability of transmitting locally originated programs to all subscribers being served by the franchisee's system.


    Resident agents. Each franchisee shall maintain a force of resident agents and employees to provide prompt response to subscribers within the county at all times, and shall have sufficient employees to provide safe, adequate and prompt service for its facilities.

(Ord. No. 88-90, § 20)