§ 38-5. Establishment of emergency review board.
The emergency review board is hereby established by this article. Upon the declaration of a state or federal state of disaster, the emergency review board will be convened at the direction of the board as an integral element of disaster declaration to implement the county's buildback policy.
The emergency review board shall be chaired by the community development and environmental services administrator and shall consist of:
The building review and permitting department director, or designee;
The department of zoning and land development review director, or designee;
The comprehensive planning department director, or designee;
The code enforcement department director, or designee; and
The duties and authority of the emergency review board include, but are not limited to:
Serve as an advisory committee to the task force;
Review all planning activities associated with the recovery and reconstruction process as described in the comprehensive emergency plan and associated plans dealing with post-disaster moratoria, build-back policies, emergency permitting and zoning, condemnation of buildings for structural and electrical deficiencies, enforcement and application of the LDC affecting setbacks, parking, buffering, open space, temporary signage, use of recreational vehicles for temporary living purposes, and other associated land development regulations;
Establish and define criteria for emergency repairs, determine the duration of the build-back period for build-back permitting activities and implement emergency permitting policies and procedures;
Supervise preliminary damage and detailed assessments;
Consider grants of administrative variances, waivers or deviations to effectuate the buildback policy; and
Assist in the implementation of local mitigation plans.
Decisions rendered by the emergency review board may be appealed to the board through the normal administrative appeals process provided for in subsection 10.02.02.F.5.b. of the LDC.
(Ord. No. 2006-35, § 5)