§ 42-63. Reporting requirements.
The loan administrative committee shall report to the board of county commissioners on a quarterly basis. This report shall contain:
The current balance in the RLF;
The current balance on all loans made with RLF funds to date;
The delinquency status of all contractually past due loans; and
The status of all applications under review for funding.
If the Board of County Commissioners has an existing CDBG grant, the board shall report to DCA on a quarterly basis using the most current quarterly status report form provided to the Board of County Commissioners by DCA. This report shall contain any and all data on program income requested or required by the department, but at a minimum shall contain:
Activities producing program income;
The schedule of payments, the estimated total of payments, and whether payments are occurring on schedule;
Amount of program income collected from the activity to date and during the reporting period; and
Proposed and actual uses of program income.
The Board of County Commissioners shall prepare a semiannual report effective January 1 and July 1 of each year detailing the loans made from the RLF during the previous year, the status of all existing loans, interest income from each depository, loan repayments received, program income received from any other source, and the current available balance in the RLF. After approval, an original copy shall be forwarded to DCA.
Program income reporting may be halted at the time when the program income on hand ceases to be regulated by CDBG requirements as defined in 24 C.F.R. part 570.
(Ord. No. 93-69, § 7)