§ 54-281. Acquisition list.
The overall Conservation Collier Acquisition List shall consist of two specific lists: the Target Protection Areas List and the Active Acquisition List. The Land Acquisition Advisory Committee and Board of County Commissioners shall approve both in accordance with the procedures set forth below:
The Target Protection Areas List shall consist of lands representing the highest natural resource values (such as Natural Resource Protection Areas), but generally not specific parcels, and is initially approved by the Board of County Commissioners and updated periodically by the Board of County Commissioners and Land Acquisition Advisory Committee. It is established and updated in accordance with Conservation Collier goals, procedures and criteria.
The Active Acquisition List shall consist of criteria-qualified sites that have been selected from Target Protection Areas, as well as qualified acquisition proposals submitted to the Land Acquisition Advisory Committee by the public, all of which have had applications submitted by property owners. The Active Acquisition List shall separate proposals into three (3) categories: A (pursue acquisition); B (hold for re-ranking in the next cycle); and C (no interest in acquiring). The A-category parcels/projects shall be further categorized as 1 (high priority), 2 (medium priority), and 3 (low priority), in order to give County staff direction as to priority for acquisition tasks. The Active Acquisition List shall be updated periodically according to Conservation Collier procedures and criteria. Site acquisition proposals that receive the highest evaluations pursuant to the Conservation Collier criteria and for which acquisition is feasible will be placed on this list, pending recommendation by the Land Acquisition Advisory Committee and approval by the Board of County Commissioners.
Once approved by the Board of County Commissioners, the County shall actively pursue acquisition of A-category projects on the Active Acquisition List. All sites shall be pursued on a voluntary "willing participant" basis only, without the use of the County's eminent domain powers.
Projects will only be removed from the Active Acquisition List by successful purchase of the site, approval of the next succeeding list, withdrawal of positive interest by the property owner, or by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Projects removed may still be considered at a later time.
(Ord. No. 02-63, § 11, 12-3-02; Ord. No. 07-65, § 11)