§ 54-118. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Composted sludge means sludge that has been composted at or above 55 degrees Celsius for three consecutive days in a mechanical composter or an aerated pile, or at or above 55 degrees Celsius for 15 consecutive days in a windrow and at least five turnings of the windrow.

    Department has no specific meaning hereunder other than the context in which it appears.

    Director means the County administrator, or such person as he shall designate to act in his stead.

    Generator means the person responsible for the production of the sludge.

    Grade 1 sludge means any stabilized sludge containing less than the following concentrations of any of the listed metals as milligrams per kilogram dry weight:


    Cadmium, 30.


    Copper, 900.


    Lead, 1,000.


    Nickel, 100.


    Zinc, 1,800.

    Grade 2 sludge means any stabilized sludge containing any of the following listed metals within the listed ranges as milligrams per kilogram dry weight and none exceeding the listed range:


    Cadmium, 30—100.


    Copper, 900—3,000.


    Lead, 1,000—1,500.


    Nickel, 100—500.


    Zinc, 1,800—10,000.

    Grade 3 sludge means any sludge containing greater than the following concentrations of the listed metals as milligrams per kilogram dry weight:


    Cadmium, 100.


    Copper, 3,000.


    Lead, 1,500.


    Nickel, 500.


    Zinc, 10,000.

    License means written approval by the director to transport sludge in the County.

    Permit means written approval by the director to operate a sludge disposal facility pursuant to the guidelines for same as established by the director, which shall be as required by part IV, chapter 17-7, Florida Administrative Code, as may be amended, except that a permit shall be necessary for any and all sludge disposal facilities within the county.

    Person means any agency or institution thereof, any municipality, political subdivision, special district, public or private corporation, individual, partnership, association, or other entity, and includes any officer or governing or managing body of any municipality, political subdivision, special district, or public or private corporation.

    Processed sludge means any domestic sludge that has been stabilized, disinfected, dried, and pelletized or granulated.

    Septage means all solid wastes and wastewater removed during the pumping of a septic tank or similar sewage disposal system.

    Sludge means a solid waste, pollution control residual which is generated by any industrial or domestic wastewater treatment plant, septic tank, grease trap, portable toilet or related operation, or any other such waste having similar characteristics. Sludge may be a solid, liquid or semisolid waste, and this includes "processed domestic sludge" as defined in Florida Administrative Code 17-7.510, but does not include the treated effluent from a wastewater treatment plant.

    Sludge disposal facility means land and structures, other appurtenances, and improvements on the land, used for sludge disposal or spreading of sludge on the land.

    Stabilization means the use of a treatment to render sludge or septage less odorous and putrescible, and to reduce the pathogenic content as described in chapter 6 of EPA 625/1-79-011, Process Design Manual for Sludge Treatment and Disposal. This manual is adopted and made part of this article by reference. A copy of this document may be obtained by writing the director, or may be inspected at the department office. Sludge that has not been digested for at least five days shall be stabilized prior to disposal.

(Ord. No. 87-79, § 3; Ord. No. 88-100, §§ 1, 2)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.