§ 54-334. Conduct on preserve lands.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Buildings and facilities.


    All forms of recreation on preserve lands, unless otherwise specifically permitted, shall be natural resource based, passive recreation and consistent with potential recreation activities identified in an approved Management Plan.


    No person shall willfully mark, deface, damage, displace, destroy, remove, or tamper with any buildings, facilities, bridges, piers, boardwalks, tables, benches, railings, paving or paving materials, water lines or other utilities, permanent or temporary signs, placards, or notices, monuments, stakes, posts, gateways, locks, fencing, boundary markers, or other structures, equipment or County property.


    No person shall use any preserve land or related facility, including but not limited to buildings, bridges, boardwalks, piers, tables, benches, or railings in a manner that precludes regular and customary usage to other patrons, unless such person has obtained the right to exclusive usage from the County.


    No person shall fix, tie, chain, or hitch any hammock, line, sports net, bike or banner to any tree, sign pole, boardwalk rail, bench, fence or similar structure within any preserve land unless otherwise designated for such use.


    Climbing on property. No person shall climb on or over any buildings or facilities, fences, gates, structures, historic ruins, boardwalks, dunes, or bridge railings, unless specifically designed and designated for such use.


    Cultural and/or historic resources. No person shall willfully mark, deface, damage, displace, destroy, excavate, remove, or tamper with any cultural or historic artifact with the preserve boundaries, nor shall any person attempt any such activity, except by special permit granted by the County.


    Plant life.


    All plant life living or dead terrestrial, aquatic, and epiphytic species, within any preserve lands is either the property of the County or is property managed by the County. No person shall cut, carve, nail into, or otherwise damage the bark, or break off limbs or branches or mutilate in any way, or harvest flowers or seeds of any plant or tree, except by special permit. No person shall dig in, disturb, or in any other way impair the natural condition of any area; nor shall any person place debris or materials of any kind on or about any tree or plant, or climb, or attach any rope, wire, wooden boards, or ladders thereto, except by special permit.


    No person shall transplant, possess, or remove any plant or plant part from any preserve land, except by special permit, nor shall any person introduce any plant species by willful act, negligence, or for any other reason.


    No person shall tie or hitch any animal, vehicle, or bicycle to any tree or other plant life.




    No person shall possess, molest, harm, frighten, kill, trap, hunt, chase, capture, shoot, or throw any object at any wildlife, nest, or burrow within the boundaries of any County preserve, except in accordance with subsection 54-335(j) of this article. No person shall remove the eggs, nest, or young of any wildlife within preserve boundaries; nor shall any person collect, remove, possess, give away, sell or offer to sell, buy or offer to buy, or accept as a gift any specimen, dead or alive of any wildlife form within preserve boundaries, except by special permit granted by the County or State or in accordance with a valid fishing permit issued by the state. However, this prohibition shall not apply to the minimal collection or removal, such as incidental collection of shells or bait fish.


    No person shall feed or attempt to pet any wildlife.


    No person shall introduce any pet, plant or other wildlife into any preserve lands by willful abandonment or negligence.

(Ord. No. 2011-38, § 4)