Collier County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 58-27. Amendments to fire codes.
The "National Fire Codes, NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code, 2003 Edition," is hereby amended by local amendment as follows:
Strike all existing text and amend 1.10 to read as follows:
1.10 BOARD OF APPEALS. Will operate and be comprised as set forth in the Collier County Land Development Code, Chapter 8.05.00, except that the Collier County Fire Marshal's Association may recommend those two members one of whom would be an architect or engineer and one whom must be a fire protection specialist for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners.
Amend 1.16.4 to read as follows:
1.16.4 Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of this code or who fails to carry out an order made pursuant of this code or violates any condition attached to a permit, approval, or certificate shall be subject to the penalties established by this jurisdiction. Nothing herein contained is intended to prevent the Independent Fire Districts of Collier County from taking such other lawful action in any court of competent jurisdiction as the District deems necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. Such other lawful action shall include, but shall not be limited to, any equitable action for injunctive relief or action at law for damages. The Independent Fire Districts of Collier County shall have the power to enforce the provisions of this Code and ordinances by means of the Collier County Code Enforcement Boards.
Referenced Standards.
Amend subsection to read as follows: Details regarding processes, methods, specifications, equipment testing and maintenance, design standards, performance, installation, or other pertinent criteria contained in those standards and codes listed in Chapter 2 of this Code and those adopted pursuant to the Collier County Fire Prevention and Protection Code Section 58-26 shall be considered a part of this code.
Amend subsection 1.3.7 to read as follows:
1.3.7 Buildings in existence or permitted for construction prior to the adoption of this Code shall comply with the provisions stated herein or referenced for existing buildings (10.3.3 of NFPA 1 2003 edition).
Existing buildings or installations that do not comply with the provisions of the publications referenced in shall be permitted to be continued in use, unless the authority having jurisdiction determines that the lack of conformity with these standards presents an imminent danger.
Exception: A limited but reasonable time shall be allowed for compliance with any part of this Code for existing buildings, commensurate with the magnitude of expenditure, disruption of services, and degree of hazard. Occupied existing buildings shall comply with 4.5.4.
OCCUPANCY. Amend subsection 4.5.4 to add condition #4.
All tenants and occupants shall obtain a "Notice of Fire Compliance" certificate from the appropriate fire district prior to the occupancy and use of a new or existing building as evidence of compliance with the Collier County Fire Prevention and Protection Code. Such original certificate shall be displayed in a prominent location within the structure, building, or portion thereof."
Exception: Occupants of one- and two-family dwellings and residential tenants in multi-family buildings are exempt from the requirement of obtaining a "Notice of Fire Compliance".
Amend subsection 1.14.2 to read as follows:
1.14.2 The applicant shall be responsible to ensure that the following conditions are met:
The construction documents include all of the fire protection requirements;
The shop drawings are correct and in compliance with the applicable codes and standards;
All plans for proposed new structures and square footage additions to existing structures include 8½ × 11 page or pages entitled "Fire Protection Plan" that depict the following:
Completed form titled "Collier County Fire Districts Pre-Incident Planning Data". Form must be completely filled out, indicating N/A where not applicable.
Use of Uniform Drawing Symbols and Legend as published in NFPA 170, Standard for Fire Safety Symbols 2002 Edition: Copyright National Fire Protection Association.
North arrow.
Overall building dimensions.
To scale site plan showing the entire property boundaries, entire structural footprint, all building entrance openings, exit stairs, pavement areas and fire lanes, fire hydrants, adjacent roadways with names, and distances to all fire hydrants within 1,000 ft. (304.8m) measured along the centerline of the street, driveway or fire lane.
Florida Building Code Construction Type.
Number of stories of structure and total square footage under roof per story.
A wall detail/section from foundation through the roof illustrating the predominant or typical floor(s), wall(s) and roof materials. Such detail/section shall be keyed with a call mark on the structural footprint required (a) above.
Needed fire flow as required by section
Fire district water supply flow test(s) as required by section
Main utility (electric, gas, water, etc.) shutoff locations.
Hazardous and/or combustible materials locations and estimated quantities.
Locations of features of fire protection systems (fire department connections, fire sprinkler shut-off, fire alarm panels, standpipes etc.)
Exception 1: Group R-3. One- and Two-family Residences.
Exception 2: Ancillary structures like guardhouses, restrooms etc. Not exceeding 1,000 square feet in area.
Exception 3: Square footage additions that do not exceed 1,000 square feet.
The contractor shall maintain an approved set of construction documents on site.
Add Section 1.17 to read as follows:
1.17 COST OF PERMIT Refer to Collier County Resolution No. 01-313 or successor, (establishing fees), Exhibit B.
Add the following definitions to read as follows:
3.3.216 Fire Marshal —The Fire Chief or his/her designee within each independent fire district or the Collier County manager or his/her designee within any dependant fire district within Collier County.
3.3.217 Fire Official —The individual appointed by the FIRE DISTRICTS and employed by the Administrative District who is responsible for the fire plan review office.
3.3.218 Owner —Any person or entity having a legal or equitable interest in the property.
3.3.219 Interlocal agreement —An agreement entered into between the board of County Commissioners and any Independent Fire District(s).
3.3.220 Manual Wet Standpipe —Refer to NFPA 14.
3.3.221 Residential Occupancy (Group R) —Refer to the Florida Building Code. 2000 Edition for the definition and sub-classification, or its successor.
Amend subsection 10.11.1 to read as follows:
10.11.1 Permits. Permits are required and shall comply with Section 1.12.
Exception: Cooking fires and small recreational fires not intended for vegetation or rubbish disposal when conducted safely and on the property of the subject. Notwithstanding the above provisions, for 30 days commencing with the declaration of a state of emergency by the Governor of the State of Florida, because of extended drought and the resulting potential for wildfires, which includes all or parts of Collier County, there shall become effective a prohibition against kindling, creating or maintaining any campfire, bonfire, open or barrel burning of trash, discarding of lighted smoking materials outdoors, smoking in county parks, and the sale or use of fireworks. The use of open barbecues or barbecue pits utilizing charcoal or wood shall be prohibited within 600 yards of any forest, grassland, woods, wild lands or marsh area within Collier County. The prohibitions expressly provided herein may be extended by resolution duly adopted by the board.
Add subsection to read as follows: Fire department access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 ft. (6m) and have an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 14 ft. Minimum width may be reduced to meet special access with the approval of the fire official.
Amend subsection to read as follows: Turning Radius. The turning radius for fire lanes not exceeding a 90 degree turn where serving buildings shall be 25 ft. inside and 49 ft. outside and turning radii for fire lanes serving parking lots only shall be 25 ft. inside and 45 ft. outside. Where turns exceed 90 degrees the standards for turnarounds shall apply.
Amend subsection to read as follows: Dead Ends. An approved turn around for fire apparatus shall be provided where an access road is a dead end and in excess of 150 ft. (46m) in length. The turnaround shall have a minimum centerline radius of 40 feet (12.7m). The grade surface and location of the fire lane shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction. At least one elevation of each building shall be accessible to the fire department.
Add subsection to read as follows: EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS This section is intended to apply to all gate installations EXCEPT those serving individual single-family residences.
Add subsection to read as follows: All electronic access control gate to structures and properties that may require emergency services that restrict the free ingress and egress of emergency vehicles and are not constantly attended 24 hours per day shall be provided with an electronic transmitter/receiver system capable of being programmed with a unique activation code and frequency approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Such code or frequency shall not be used by or provided to other gate users. Existing installations shall comply within 180 days subsequent to the notification date by the authority having jurisdiction.
Add subsection to read as follows: All electronic access control gates required under section shall be compatible with the uniform county-wide transmitters. Said transmitters are carried only within emergency services vehicles.
Add subsection to read as follows: All electronic access control gates shall have a battery backup with a fail safe override.
Exception No. 1 —Any other override system acceptable to the Authority having jurisdiction.
Exception No. 2 —Gates serving individual single-family residences.
Add subsection to read as follows: All non-electronic access control gates to structures and properties that may require emergency services that restrict the free ingress and egress of emergency vehicles and are not constantly attended 24 hours a day shall be provided with a key box per section 10.12.1.
Exception No. 1 —Gates serving individual single-family residences.
Add subsection to read as follows: All electronic gates are required to receive a building permit with fire review prior to installation.
Amend subsection to read as follows: Hydrants. Clearance of 3 feet to the rear and sides of fire hydrants and clear to the street. No new wet or dry retention or detention areas shall be located between the fire hydrant and the fire access area unless prior approval is received from the fire official.
Amend subsection to read as follows: Fire Protection Appliances. Clearance of 3 feet to sides and clear to the street. No new wet or dry retention or detention areas shall be located between the fire appliance and the fire access area unless prior approval is received from the fire official.
Amend section 10.16.3 to read as follows:
10.16.3 Life Safety Evaluation. Life safety evaluations are required and shall be in accordance with 12.4.1 of NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. The evaluation shall be submitted to the AHJ a minimum of two weeks prior to the starting date of the event.
Add subsection to read as follows: The AHJ is hereby authorized to assess and collect reasonable compensation for services rendered to public assemblages and events covered by the provisions of section 10.16.4, as it may deem necessary in accordance with the applicable service resolution of the governing body.
Add subsection to read as follows: Buildings classified as R-2, four stories in height are required to have manual wet standpipes in accordance with NFPA 14.
Add subsection to read as follows: Any building five stories or more in height and not otherwise classified as a high rise building as defined by the Florida Building Code, 2001 Edition or its successor, shall have an automatic wet standpipe system in accordance with NFPA 14 capable of supplying the required gallons per minute with a residual pressure of 65 psi at the uppermost hose connection.
Add subsection to read as follows: Any high-rise building as defined by the Florida Building Code, 2001 Edition or its successor, shall have an automatic wet standpipe system in accordance with NFPA 14 capable of supplying the required gallons per minute with a residual pressure of 100 psi at the uppermost hose connection.
Add subsection to read as follows: Fire department valves on standpipe systems shall not be pressure-reducing valves. Pressure restricting devices shall be installed on any valve with pressure in excess of 175 psi. Pressure restricting devices shall be so as to be readily removable, leaving hose threads acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction.
Add subsection to read as follows: All fire department connections, other than those serving a high rise building, shall be located within 50 ft. (15.25m) of a fire hydrant and within 50 ft. (15.25m) of a fire department vehicle access road.
Exception 1 : Fire department connections supplying fire sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13R that are not a part of a standpipe system.
Exception 2: Actual locations of fire department connections shall be as approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Add subsection to read as follows: New high-rise buildings shall be equipped with two fire department connections. One connection shall be located at the building and one shall be located within 15 ft. (4.6m) of a fire hydrant. Either fire department connection shall be capable of operating independently of the other. The second fire department connection required at the building shall not be required to be located within 50 ft. (15.25m) of a fire hydrant.
Amend subsection to read as follows: Automatic sprinklers shall be installed and maintained in full operating condition, as specified for the occupancy involved in the codes or standards listed in Chapter 2. Installations shall be in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems; NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height; or NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, as appropriate.
All fire sprinkler systems shall be designed with hydraulic calculation method. System design will be based on a current flow test. For flow tests with a static pressure of 55 PSI or more the test will be extrapolated to seasonal static of 50PSI. The formula is as follows:
X Factor = Seasonal Static/Measured Static
Design Res. Pres. = (Residual Pres) × (X Factor)
Design Pitot PSI = (Pitot Press) × (X factor)
For flow tests with a static of less than 55 psi the un-extrapolated flow test shall be used. However in this case a minimum safety factor of 5 psi above the demand point of the system shall be used. Fire flow data shall be attached to the hydraulic calculations as per section
Add to Section to read as follows:
Automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be provided, in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, when required by this Code, or referenced codes and standards listed in Chapter 2; and in all new residential occupancies containing more than four (4) living units; and when otherwise required by Collier County.
Exception No. 1: Residential occupancies up to four (4) stories in height may be protected in accordance with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, where not otherwise required to be protected by sprinklers pursuant to the Building Code or other applicable standards.
Add subsection to read as follows: All Automatic fire extinguishing systems, installed voluntarily, arbitrarily or otherwise, shall provide an adequate means (stub-out) for future fire sprinkler protection on lanais, balconies and canopies in residential occupancies.
Add subsection to read as follows: Valves connections to water supplies, sectional control and isolation valves, and other valves in supply pipes to sprinklers and other fixed water-based fire suppression systems, other than 13D systems installed in one and two family dwellings, shall be supervised by Central station, proprietary or remote station signaling service complying with NFPA 72. Each alarm panel shall electrically monitor all fire sprinkler control valves of the fire sprinkler system it monitors. All control valves in 13D systems shall be chained and locked in the open position.
Add subsection to read as follows: The following are fire flow requirements for new construction, changes in occupancy or use to a more hazardous classification (according to National Fire Protection Association 101, 2003 edition) or any physical enlargement of existing buildings. All one and two family dwellings are exempt from these requirements except new subdivisions as provided below:
New exclusive one and two family subdivisions:
Building Square Footage (GPM) Min. Fire Flow Less than or equal to 5,000 500 Greater than 5,000 750 Subdivisions not capable of delivering the required fire flow shall provide automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R or 13D, 2002 editions as applicable.
All other buildings shall calculate required fire flows in accordance with the following formula shown below. This formula establishes a base flow from which the degree of hazard, credit for fire sprinkler protection and separation distance will result in a final needed fire flow. National Fire Protection Association 13, 2002 edition shall be used for the purpose of determining hazard classification.
NFPA classification Formula application Light Light Ordinary I & II Ordinary Extra High Fire flow based on the formula NFF= [(18) × COEFFICIENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION TYPE) × {SQUARE ROOT (BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE)} × HAZARD FACTOR × EXPOSURE FACTOR × FIRE SPRINKLER FACTOR
Coefficients based on construction type.
1.5 = Wood (Type VI)
1.0 = Ordinary (Type V)
0.8 = Noncombustible (Type III & IV)
0.6 = * Fire resistive (Type I & II)
* Fire resistive construction need only be calculated on the three (3) largest successive floors of highest hazard classification.
Coefficient based on hazard.
0.75 = Light hazard
1.0 = Ordinary hazard
1.25 = High hazard
Coefficient based on exposure distance in feet.
0—10 = 1.25
11—30 = 1.2
31—60 = 1.15
61—100 = 1.1
101—150 = 1.05
> 150 = 1
Coefficient based on fire sprinklers.
0.5 = Fully fire sprinklered
1 = Not fully fire sprinklered
A four-hour "fire wall" may be used to reduce total square footage of a building for the purposes of fire flow requirements, providing the wall intersects each successive floor of the building and complies with NFPA 221.
The minimum required fire flow for commercial and multi-family occupancies shall be 750 GPM.
Owners and developers shall make provisions to install water lines and fire hydrants to meet spacing and fire flow requirements. Where fire mains exist but do not meet the fire flow requirements, alternative arrangements may be made, prior to construction, with the authority having jurisdiction. Due to the concern for public safety, failure to meet the fire flow requirements or come to alternative agreement shall be grounds for refusal for the county to issue building permits.
Add subsection to read as follows: The required size of the water mains, installed for fire protection, shall be determined by hydraulic calculation based upon a current a fire flow test (not more than six months old). These calculations shall extend from the location of the flow test to each fire hydrant on site and shall indicate that the minimum required fire flow determined by Section is available. This section is to be used for design purposes only. Actual fire flow availability will be determined at time of building permit application.
Add subsection to read as follows: Where buildings are constructed, with the furthest point of the structure being one hundred fifty (150) feet or more from a public street, requires private mains and fire hydrants which shall meet the required fire flow with spacing to be determined by the fire official, not to exceed three hundred (300) foot maximum distance between hydrants. Hydrant spacing and required fire flow may be altered by the fire official if, by prior arrangement with the fire official, automatic fire suppression systems are installed in all buildings on the premises.
Add subsection to read as follows: Maximum distance between fire hydrants shall be five hundred (500) feet in exclusive one and two family areas with buildings not exceeding 5000 sq ft, and three hundred (300) feet in all other areas.
Add subsection to read as follows: Where buildings are proposed in an area not meeting the hydrant spacing requirements, the owner or developer shall provide the number of hydrants prescribed by the fire official, under the terms of this section.
Add subsection to read as follows: Prior to development of new structures or fire protection systems, a fire flow test in accordance with NFPA 291 shall be preformed by the fire district having jurisdiction. Such tests shall be completed no longer than six months prior to the submittal for permit. Calculations of the available fire flow at a minimum of 20 psi residual shall be provided on the fire protection plan required by section 1.14.2 or with the hydraulic calculation package submitted for fire protection system permits. Fire flow test reports shall be submitted on the official letterhead of the fire district having jurisdiction.
Add subsection to read as follows: Fire hydrants shall be provided for structures in accordance with NFPA 24 and shall be distributed so that the Needed Fire Flow determined by the fire official may be delivered. Hydrant locations and distances to proposed structures shall be indicated on the Fire Protection Plan required in section 1.14.2
Add subsection to read as follows: Proposed single structure site developments within 1000 ft (304.8m) of existing water mains shall extend such mains so that the main sizes and hydrant locations comply with the provisions of this code. Measurement of the distance shall be along existing or proposed roads, street, driveways or fire lanes as applicable. Where no piped water supply exists within 1000 ft (304.8m) distance criteria, the requirements of NFPA 1142, Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting 2001 edition, shall apply. Proposed multi-structure site developments shall provide permanent fire protection water supply from a public or private utility system or construct a private engineered water system acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and capable of delivering the required Needed Fire Flow specified in subsection
Amend Section 13.5.3 to add the following: a single, dedicated fire sprinkler backflow assembly, may serve a maximum of two buildings.
Add subsection to read as follows: All fire sprinkler systems shall be monitored by a UL listed Remote or Central station monitoring agency.
Exception No 1: One and two family dwellings protected by 13D systems.
Add subsection to read as follows: All fire sprinkler systems shall activate one or more monitored audio/visual device located on the exterior of the building. The number and location of the device(s) shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Exception: Single family dwellings.
(Ord. No. 02-49, § 1, 10-8-02; Ord. No. 2005-32, § 2)