Collier County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 62. FLOODS |
§ 62-80. Buildings and structures.
Design and construction of buildings, structures and facilities exempt from the Florida Building Code. Pursuant to Section 6, C (§ 62-74.C) of this ordinance, buildings, structures, and facilities that are exempt from the Florida Building Code, including substantial improvement or repair of substantial damage of such buildings, structures and facilities, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the flood load and flood-resistant construction requirements of ASCE 24. Structures exempt from the Florida Building Code that are not walled and roofed buildings shall comply with the requirements of Section 18 (§ 62-86) of this ordinance.
Enclosures below the lowest floor. Enclosed areas below elevated buildings and structures shall comply with the requirements of the Florida Building Code, shall be limited to parking of vehicles, storage, and building access, and shall comply with the following:
Access to the enclosed area shall be the minimum necessary to allow for:
Parking of vehicles (garage doors);
Limited storage of maintenance equipment used in connection with the premises (standard exterior door not to exceed 3.0 ft. by 8.0 ft.);
Main entrance to the structure (one double door set).
The interior portion of such enclosed area shall not be temperature-controlled by a permanently mounted air-conditioner or connected to central air;
All areas that are partitioned within the enclosed area shall be vented in accordance with ASCE 24 Flood-Resistant Design and Construction;
All construction below the lowest floor shall be built with flood damage-resistant materials consistent with ASCE 24 Flood-Resistant Design and Construction, for example: pressure treated wood and water-durable and mold-resistant cement backerboard; and
Section 6, D(8) (§ 62-74.D(8)) of this ordinance, regarding a Declaration of Land Restriction (Non-conversion agreement).
Detached accessory structures. Detached accessory structures that are not elevated (garages, tool sheds, storage buildings, steel ISO 10'-20'-40' storage containers, etc.) may be positioned on the ground or a slab, properly vented, and adequately anchored to withstand wind and buoyancy forces, or secured to piers. A property owner must provide a signed Declaration of Land Restriction (Non-conversion agreement) prior to the issuance of the certificate of completion for detached accessory structures that are not elevated and are greater than 120 square feet.
Design and construction of nonresidential farm buildings on farms. Pursuant to Section 6, C (§ 62-74.C) of this ordinance, nonresidential farm buildings on farms that are exempt from the Florida Building Code, including substantial improvement or repair of substantial damage of such buildings, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the flood load and flood-resistant construction requirements of ASCE 24. If required to be elevated in accordance with ASCE 24, nonresidential farm buildings on farms shall be elevated to or above the base flood elevation. Structures exempt from the Florida Building Code that are not walled and roofed buildings shall comply with the requirements of Section 18 (§ 62-86) of this ordinance.
Permanently-mounted air-conditioners, generators, and other exterior mechanical equipment. When installed with new construction or replaced as part of substantial improvement or repair of substantial damage, permanently-mounted air-conditioners, generators, and other exterior mechanical equipment shall be elevated to or above the elevation required by the Florida Building Code - Residential Sec. R322.1.6 or Florida Building Code - Building, Sec. 1612 (ASCE 24), as applicable. When not part of substantial improvement or repair of substantial damage, new or replacement of permanently-mounted air-conditioners and exterior mechanical equipment shall be elevated to or above the BFE or the lowest floor elevation of the building served, whichever is lower. When not part of substantial improvement or repair of substantial damage, new or replacement generators shall be elevated to or above the elevation required by the Florida Building Code - Residential Sec. R322.1.6 or Florida Building Code - Building, Sec. 1612 (ASCE 24), as applicable.
Pool Equipment. When installed with new construction, pool equipment shall be elevated to or above the elevation required by the Florida Building Code, Residential R322.1.6 or Florida Building Code, Building, Sec. 1612 (ASCE 24), as applicable. Where new pool equipment is installed on an existing pool, the pool equipment shall be elevated to or above the lowest floor elevation of the building served. Where pool equipment is installed to replace existing pool equipment, the new pool equipment shall be elevated to or above the elevation of the existing pool equipment. In cases where the elevation of pool equipment will hinder access for repair and maintenance, a letter may be submitted by the pool contractor to the building official demonstrating that the equipment can be installed to resist flood forces and is GFI protected per the National Electric Code (NEC) 2014, 680.21(C), as may be amended from time to time.
Buildings and structures seaward of the coastal construction control line. If extending, in whole or in part, seaward of the coastal construction control line and also located, in whole or in part, in a flood hazard area:
Buildings and structures shall be designed and constructed to comply with the more restrictive applicable requirements of the Florida Building Code, Building Section 3109 and Section 1612 or Florida Building Code, Residential Section R322.
Minor structures and non-habitable major structures as defined in F.S. § 161.54, shall be designed and constructed to comply with the intent and applicable provisions of this ordinance and ASCE 24.
Lowest floor elevation requirements for residential buildings. The area below the lowest floor shall be limited to storage, access, and parking.
Residential buildings subject to South Florida Water Management District Permit requirements or were previously approved to a 100-year, three-day, zero-discharge stormwater plan standard, shall have the lowest floor elevated at or above the elevation required by the District Permit, Florida Building Code, or Section 12, I (§ 62-80.I) of this ordinance, as applicable.
All residential buildings not subject to Section 12, H(1) (§ 62-80.H(1)) of this ordinance and located in a flood hazard area, Zone X-500, or Zone X shall have the lowest floor elevated at or above the elevation required by the Florida Building Code or as follows, whichever is higher:
Buildings located on a paved road must be elevated 18 inches above the crown of the nearest street or interior finished roadway system. In the event that the nearest street or interior finished roadway system is located on an evacuation route, the residential building may be elevated a minimum of 18 inches above the crown of the nearest side street just beyond the beginning of the vertical transition for the elevation connection to the evacuation route.
Residential buildings located on a graded or otherwise unfinished road must be elevated a minimum of 24 inches above the crown of the nearest street.
Garages for residential buildings shall have the lowest slab at or above the crown of the nearest street and shall meet one of the following: (1) be elevated at or above the base flood elevation, or (2) if using flood openings, the flood openings shall be installed so that the entire opening is below the base flood elevation and shall be no higher than one foot above grade. See FEMA Technical Bulletin 1, as amended, for additional information.
Lanais for residential buildings shall have the lowest slab at or above the crown of the nearest street. See Section 12, C (§ 62-80.C) of this ordinance for detached structures.
On parcels where unusual topographic conditions exist and the standard conditions established in Sections 12, H(2)(a), (b), (c), (d) (§§ 62-80.H(2)(a), (b), (c), (d)) of this ordinance cannot be reasonably applied, the Building Official shall consider requests to decrease the lowest floor elevation. All requests shall require an analysis, by a professional engineer, of the 100-year, 3-day storm event using zero discharge, for the entire discharge, for the drainage basin in which the proposed structure is located. Reductions may be allowed on the basis of the analysis, but in no case, shall the lowest floor be less than the elevation required by the Florida Building Code.
Buildings and structures removed from the special flood hazard area. Buildings and structures removed from the special flood hazard area shall be elevated so that the lowest slab, such as a garage, lanai, enclosure, etc., is above the lowest lot elevation (GROUND) as identified on the Letter of Map Change provided by FEMA. Further, the lowest adjacent grade of a building or structure must be at or above the base flood elevation as established on the Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map.
(Ord. No. 2019-01, § 12)