§ 78-1. Combat auto theft.
Title and citation. This section shall be known and cited as the "Collier County Combat Automobile Theft Program Ordinance."
Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Administrative fees means the fee paid by the program participant to cover the costs of implementing and operating this program.
Consent form means a legally binding form, designed by the county sheriff's office, in accordance with F.S. § 316.008, to be signed by the owner of the vehicle enrolled in the combat automobile theft program.
Decal means an adhesive emblem designed by the county sheriff's office, within the provisions of F.S. § 316.008.
Owner means the legally recorded holder of the title of a motor vehicle able to apply for a certificate of title or duplicate certificate of title or register or transfer title to a motor vehicle.
Vehicle means a conveyance meeting the description of a motor vehicle as defined in F.S. ch. 316.
Findings and purpose. In order to enable law enforcement personnel patrolling the county to better detect potential automobile thieves in the act of stealing or transporting stolen vehicles and to reduce the incidence of lost property, the board of county commissioners finds it necessary to enact this article to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
Program regulations. Once signed, the consent form will be kept on file with the county sheriff's office and serve as written authorization to stop the vehicle designated on the form between the hours of 1:00 a.m. through 5:00 a.m. All persons wishing to enroll a vehicle, or vehicles, in the county sheriff's office combat automobile theft program (CAT) shall comply with the following regulations:
Complete and submit a notarized consent form for each vehicle enrolled in the program to the county sheriff's office crime prevention/outreach division.
At the time of submission of the consent form, provide the sheriff's office with proof of ownership of each vehicle to be enrolled in the program, either certified title or registration certificate will be accepted.
At the time of submission of the consent form, provide the county sheriff's office with personal identification, either in the form of a drivers license or birth certificate. Only the certified owner of a vehicle to be enrolled may enroll the vehicle into the program.
Pay an administrative fee of $1.00 to the county sheriff's office.
At the time of enrollment, the decal must be immediately affixed to the lower left corner of the back window of the vehicle.
Upon selling, or otherwise transferring ownership of the vehicle, the registered owner shall remove the decal.
Upon terminating participation in the program, the registered owner shall remove the decal.
Upon selling, transferring ownership of the vehicle, or upon terminating participation in the combat automobile theft program (CAT), the registered owner shall notify the county sheriff's office via the self-addressed post card provided at the time of enrollment.
(Ord. No. 91-8, §§ 1—4)
State law reference
Combat auto theft programs, F.S. § 316.008(6).
Cross reference
Offenses and miscellaneous provisions, ch. 94.