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    Security: Property Owner is responsible for ensuring that adequate security is provided for each Beach Event.


    Traffic Safety: Authorization from the Collier County Sheriffs office may be required for certain Beach Events. Property Owner is responsible for consulting the Collier County Sheriffs Office to determine whether separate authorization for a particular event is required.


    Use of Electrical Apparatus: Need to speak with Building Department.


    Signage: Use of signs shall be subject to the provisions of the Collier County Land Development Code.


    Noise: All music shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Property Owner's Music Permit, which permit may be obtained from Collier County on an annual basis.


    Restrooms: Existing restroom facilities must be adequate, or additional portable faculties made available and not located on the beach.


    Vehicles On Beach: Use of vehicles shall be subject to provision of the Collier County Land Development Code section 10.02.06 I.


    Public Access: Beach Events shall be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with the public's ability to traverse that portion of the beach owned by the State of Florida.


    No structures may be set, placed, or stored on, or within ten feet of, any beach dune.


    Annual beach events which occur during Sea Turtle Nesting Season (May 1st through October 31st of each year) are also subject to the following regulations:


    All required Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Field Permits, shall be obtained and a copy furnished to Collier County prior to the time of the scheduled event as set forth in section 5.04.07.


    Consistent with section 5.04.07, no structure set up, or beach raking, or mechanical cleaning activity for any particular Beach Event shall not commence until after monitoring conducted by personnel with prior experience and training in nest surveys procedures and possessing a valid Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Marine Turtle Permit has been completed.


    Prior to all scheduled beach events, every beach event permit holder is required to rope off (or otherwise identify with a physical barrier) an area with no less than a 15-foot radius around each sea turtle nest that has been identified and marked on a beach , unless a greater distance is required by an applicable State permit.


    Use of vehicles on the beach is prohibited, except as may be permitted under section 5.04.07.


    Consistent with section 5.04.07 all materials placed on the beach for the purpose of conducting permitted Beach Events must be: 1) removed from the beach by no later than 9:30 p.m. the date of the event; and 2) no structures may be set, placed, or stored on, or within ten feet of any beach dune , except that materials may remain in an identified staging area until 10:00 p.m. The location and size of all staging areas will be as identified in the annual beach events permit.


    All lights that are visible from the beach and cast a shadow thereon shall be turned off by no later than 9:00 p.m. of the date of the event.


    Identification of sea turtle nests on the beach may cause the Beach Event to be relocated from its planned location or to have additional reasonable limitations placed on the event pursuant to the recommendation of Collier County staff in order to protect the identified sea turtle nests in this permit; except that County staff may relocate a staging area as provided for in standard condition 10.E., as part of its daily sea turtle monitoring.


    Pole lighting, and any other object or structure designed to penetrate the beach surface by more than three (3) inches shall be subject to the approval of the FDEP and Collier County.


    A copy of all notices required by any permit or these regulations must also be provided by the permit holder to Collier County Natural Resources Department.

    Note: When a State permit is more restrictive than the LDC requirements, the State requirements shall supersede, and the County shall enforce these requirements.

(Ord. No. 05-27, § 3.FFF, 6-8-05; Ord. No. 10-23, § 3.YY)