§ 1.04.05. Relationship to Growth Management Plan
The adoption of this LDC is consistent with, compatible with and furthers the goals, policies, objectives, land uses, and densities or intensities contained and required in the GMP, and it implements and directly advances the goals, policies and objectives of the GMP. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County hereby declares and affirmatively states that in the event that any land development regulation, this LDC, or any provision hereof or amendment hereto is not consistent with the adopted Collier County GMP, as amended, the provisions of the Collier County GMP, as amended, shall govern any action taken with regard to an application for a development order or other activity. Furthermore, any land development regulation, this LDC, or any provision hereof or amendment hereto shall be interpreted, construed and implemented in such a manner which will make it most consistent with the Collier County GMP, as amended.