§ 3.03.02. Applicability  

Latest version.
  • A.

    New and existing development in the coastal zone shall be in compliance with the goals, objectives, and policies of the conservation and Coastal Management Element (CCME) of the Collier County GMP and with this LDC until the formal adoption by the County of all land development regulations, ordinances, policies, and programs as adopted by the BCC, and as prescribed by the conservation and Coastal Management Element of the Collier County GMP.


    In addition to these coastal zone regulations, all land development activities on shorelines , and/or undeveloped and developed coastal barriers, shall comply with the County's environmental land development regulations, including, but not limited to: section 2.03.07(D)(1), Special Treatment Overlay district (ST); procedural requirements in Chapter 10; section 3.05.00, Vegetation Removal, Protection and Preservation; section 3.04.03, sea turtle Protection; section 3.04.00, Endangered, Threatened or Listed Species Protection; Chapter 10, Coastal Construction setback line variance; and as required by Vehicle on the beach Regulations in the County Code of Ordinances.

(Ord. No. 07-67, § 3.G)