§ 3.04.03. Requirements for Protected Plants  

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  • When habitat containing the following listed plants is proposed to be impacted, plants listed as Rare and Less Rare (below) shall be relocated to on-site preserves if the on-site preserves are able to support the species of plants. Relocation of epiphytic species of plants listed as Rare and Less Rare (below) shall only be required for plants located within eight feet of the ground. Plants listed as Less Rare shall be relocated to the on-site preserves only if the preserves do not already contain these species. When available, only two plants per species per acre of plants listed as Less Rare are required to be relocated, up to a maximum of ten plants per species per preserve. When available, seed from Tillandsia may be transferred to trees in lieu of relocation of plants. Other than for Tillandsia , the species of plants listed below may be planted within preserves from nursery grown stock in lieu of relocation. Sites infested with exotic species of Metamasius weevil which feed on Tillandsia , shall not be allowed to relocate Tillandsia species. Plants listed in this section shall not require the land in which they are located to be placed in a preserve.

    Rare Plants:
    Cowhorn orchid Cyrtopodium punctatum
    Curtiss's milkweed Asclepias curtissii
    Florida clamshell orchid Encyclia cochleata
    Ghost orchid Polyrrhiza lindenii
    West coast prickly apple Harrisia gracilis
    Less Rare Plants:
    Butterfly orchid Encyclia tampensis
    Giant wild-pine Tillandsia utriculata
    Inflated wild-pine Tillandsia balbisiana
    Stiff-leaved wild-pine Tillandsia fasciculata
    Twisted air plant Tillandsia flexuosa


    Where clearing of vegetation is needed for habitats requiring fire or for activities needed to simulate fire, epiphytic plants listed above should not be relocated into these habitats. Epiphytic plants may be removed from preserves if located on vegetation required to be removed as part of an approved preserve management plan.

(Ord. No. 10-23, § 3.M)