§ 3.06.04. Groundwater Protection  

Latest version.
  • A.

    There are hereby created groundwater protection special treatment overlay zones, as generally depicted on the wellfield risk management special treatment overlay zone maps, Illustration 3.06.02 A. These groundwater protection special treatment overlay zones reflect wellfield risk management zones W-1, W-2, W-3, and W-4; areas of high natural aquifer recharge in the County (ST-NAR), and the natural recharge areas of the County that require minimum groundwater protection and within which future public water supply wells may be located (GWP).


    Wellfield risk management special treatment overlay zones, high natural aquifer recharge special treatment zones (ST-NAR), and groundwater protection special treatment overlay zones shall be supplemental to existing and future zoning and land use regulations, and shall not be deemed to permit or authorize any use or activity not otherwise permitted in the underlying zoning district or allowable in the underlying future land use designation.


    The high natural aquifer recharge special overlay zones (ST-NAR) and the groundwater protection zones (GWP) are based upon:


    Those portions of the County identified as areas of high natural aquifer recharge to the surficial and intermediate aquifer systems (ST-NAR).


    The susceptibility of the surficial and intermediate aquifer systems in the County to contamination resulting from surficial activities and the need for protection of the groundwater resource as a future public water supply (GWP).


    High natural aquifer recharge areas (ST-NAR). These areas have not yet been defined. The prohibitions and regulations for this special treatment overlay zone shall be based upon the determination and designation of those portions of the County that naturally function as high natural recharge areas to the surficial and intermediate aquifer systems. Upon identification of ST-NAR areas, pursuant to these regulations, shall be amended to include the ST-NAR special treatment overlay zone where appropriate.


    Groundwater protection area (GWP). All of the County provides natural aquifer recharge to the water table aquifer , and the potential for natural aquifer recharge to the unconfined or semi-confined portions of the Lower Tamiami and Sandstone aquifers . Natural aquifer recharge from the water table aquifer constitutes approximately eighty (80) percent of the recharge to the Lower Tamiami aquifer on a regional basis. That area of the County, excluding W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and ST-NAR, shall be provided with a minimum level of groundwater protection and shall be designated as GWP.