§ 3.06.12. Regulated Development  

Latest version.
  • A.



    Unless otherwise exempted from compliance with this section, it shall be unlawful to substantially modify, replace, or maintain an existing regulated development , or to commence the operation or construction of the following regulated development in violation of the standards set forth in this section.


    All existing regulated development , unless otherwise expressly provided herein, shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal law and regulations. All existing regulated development meeting these criteria is deemed to be legal nonconforming regulated development which shall, within one (1) year of the effective date of this section [November 18, 1991], come into compliance with the standards for existing regulated development as provided in this section.


    All existing regulated development not constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal law and regulations, is deemed to be illegal nonconforming regulated development and shall, within one (1) year of the effective date of this section [November 18, 1991], come into compliance with the standards for future regulated development as provided in this section.


    Existing solid waste disposal facilities.


    All existing solid waste disposal facilities shall have met the applicable state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in 3.06.10 hereof.


    In zones W-1 and W-2, the owner and/or operator of an existing lawful nonconforming solid waste disposal facility shall:


    Monitor discharges to groundwater as provided under -the Florida Administrative Code.


    Comply with the operating criteria established under -the Florida Administrative Code.


    Submit to the County copies of all groundwater monitoring reports and other operational reports, as may be required by the DEP on a quarterly basis, or as submission may otherwise be required by the DEP.


    In zones W-3, W-4, and GWP, existing solid waste disposal facilities are not regulated under this section.


    Future solid waste disposal facilities . In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, and W-4, future solid waste disposal facilities are prohibited. In the GWP zone, future solid waste disposal facilities are prohibited in the absence of a wellfield conditional use permit.


    Existing solid waste transfer stations .


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, and W-4, the continued operation of a lawful nonconforming solid waste transfer station shall be allowed after the effective date of this section [November 18, 1991] upon the owner and/or operator of such facility obtaining a certificate to operate from the County, which shall include the following conditions:


    Compliance with the operating criteria established under the Florida Administrative Code.


    The owner and/or operator shall submit copies of all groundwater monitoring reports and other operational reports, as may be required by the DEP on a quarterly basis, or as may otherwise be required by the DEP.


    The owner and/or operator shall report any discharge or accidental release of contaminants to the County within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery.


    In the GWP zone, existing solid waste transfer stations are not regulated under this section.


    Future solid waste transfer stations .


    In zones W-1, W-2, and W-3, future solid waste transfer stations are prohibited.


    In zones W-4 and GWP, future solid waste transfer stations shall operate pursuant to a certificate to operate issued by the County, subject to compliance with the following criteria:


    Compliance with the operating criteria established under the Florida Administrative Code.


    The owner and/or operator shall submit copies of all groundwater monitoring reports and other operational reports, as may be required by the DEP on a quarterly basis, or as may otherwise be required by the DEP.


    The owner and/or operator shall report any discharge or accidental release of contaminants to the County within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery.


    Existing and future solid waste standard containers and solid waste bulk containers .


    In zones W-1 and W-2, all solid waste standard containers shall be constructed of a leakproof and nonabsorbent material, with handles, provided with a closely fitting watertight cover.


    In zones W-3, W-4, and GWP, solid waste standard containers are not regulated under this section.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, all solid waste bulk containers shall be constructed of a leakproof and nonabsorbent material, and fitted with a rainproof lid or cover.


    Future solid waste storage, collection, and recycling facilities.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, storage, collection, and recycling facilities, that do not handle hazardous products or hazardous wastes , are not regulated under this section.


    In zones W-1, W-2, and W-3, future solid waste storage, collection, and recycling facilities that will handle hazardous products and hazardous wastes shall be prohibited.


    In zones W-4 and GWP, future solid waste storage, collection, and recycling facilities are not regulated under this section.


    Disposal of hazardous waste. In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, the disposal of any hazardous waste, or constituent thereof, in an existing or future landfill or other land disposal system is prohibited.


    Existing and future nonresidential use, handling, storage, generation, transport, or processing of hazardous products .


    In zones W-1, W-2, and W-3, future nonresidential development and the continued operation or use of existing nonresidential development , which, at any point in time, uses, handles, stores, generates, transports, or processes hazardous products that are not gaseous at 105 degrees Fahrenheit and ambient pressure, and are not in quantities that exceed 250 gallons for liquids or 1,000 pounds for solids, shall be allowed pursuant to the owner and/or operator of such development obtaining a certificate to operate issued by the County. The certificate to operate shall incorporate the following conditions:


    Existing nonresidential regulated development shall implement a detailed containment plan, approved by the county manager, and providing for containment of the hazardous product(s) which will provide for absorption of not less than an equivalent volume of the hazardous product(s) , or provide for secondary containment with a volume of at least 110 percent of the largest container; or other comparable method to manage discharges or accidental releases and prevent contact with the land or waters constituting or connected to waters of the state as defined in Chapter 403, F.S. Liquid hazardous products in tanks with a capacity of greater than 250 gallons must be stored in secondary containment with a volume of at least 110 percent of the largest container, plus the displacement of that and any other tank(s) within the containment area. Rainwater may not exceed ten (10) percent of the volume in the secondary containment area at any time.


    Future nonresidential regulated development shall implement a detailed containment plan, approved by the County Manager or designee, in accordance with the standards set forth in subsection (1)(a) hereof, with the exception that the future regulated development shall provide for both the containment and absorption of hazardous products .


    Hazardous products must be removed from the secondary containment within twenty-four (24) hours of the discharge or accidental release.


    Submittal to the County of a fire plan approved by the local fire district.


    Upon discovery of any discharge or accidental release, implementation of a detailed contingency plan, approved by the county manager, which shall describe the actions to be taken by the owner and/or operator in the event of a discharge or accidental release of a hazardous product under this section. Actions shall include first response steps to control and prohibit the discharge or accidental release of the hazardous product ; remedial actions consistent with applicable state and federal laws; and proper disposal of the hazardous product . Emergency telephone numbers shall be provided for local and state response units, and the owner and/or operator's designated emergency response personnel. The plan shall demonstrate compliance with the applicable state and federal regulations. The County shall provide forms for reporting of discharges or accidental releases.


    The owner and/or operator of the facility shall report, to the County, discharges or accidental releases exceeding fifty (50) gallons including: date, time, product discharged or released, control measures used, quantity of product discharged or released, and disposition of recovered waste, within forty-eight (48) hours of the discharge or accidental release.


    Annual inspections.


    In zone GWP, all future and existing nonresidential development involving the use, handling, storage, generation, transport, or processing of hazardous product below the thresholds stated in section 3.06.12(I)(1), and all future and existing nonresidential development in zones W-4 and GWP involving the generation or storage of hazardous waste at or above the thresholds stated in section 3.06.12(I)(2) hereof, shall not be required to obtain a certificate to operate, but shall comply with the following:


    No hazardous product shall be discharged or released to any stormwater treatment system.


    No hazardous product shall be discharged or released to any on-site sewage disposal system not permitted for industrial or manufacturing use.


    No hazardous product shall be discharged or released to any wastewater treatment system not permitted for industrial waste.


    No hazardous product shall be discharged or released to the surface of the land or into any water constituting or connecting to waters of the state defined in Chapter 403, F.S.


    All hazardous products shall be retained on-site until use.


    All hazardous products shall be stored in rainproof and leakproof containers.


    Discharges or accidental release of hazardous product exceeding fifty (50) gallons shall be reported to the County within forty-eight (48) hours of discovery. The report shall indicate the date, time, product discharged or released, control measures used, quantity of product discharged or released, and disposition of recovered product.


    Existing and future residential use, handling, storage, generation, transport, or processing of hazardous products . The existing and future residential use, handling, storage, generation, transport, or processing of hazardous products is not regulated under this section.


    Existing and future nonresidential generation or storage of hazardous waste. In zones W-1, W-2, and W-3, future nonresidential facilities, and the continued operation or use of existing nonresidential facilities, that generate or store hazardous wastes , which accumulate more than 220 pounds per month or 110 gallons at any point in time, shall be allowed pursuant to the owner and/or operator obtaining a certificate to operate. The certificate to operate shall incorporate the following conditions:


    Existing nonresidential regulated development shall implement a detailed containment plan, approved by the County Manager or designee, and providing for containment of the hazardous waste(s), which will provide for absorption of not less than an equivalent volume of the hazardous waste(s), or provide for secondary containment with a volume of at least 110 percent of the largest container; or other comparable method to manage discharges or accidental releases, and prevent contact with the land or waters constituting or connected to waters of the state as defined in Chapter 403, F.S. Liquid hazardous wastes in tanks with a capacity of greater than 250 gallons must be stored in secondary containment with a volume of at least 110 percent of the largest container, plus the displacement of that and any other tank(s) within the containment area. Rainwater may not exceed ten (10) percent of the volume in the secondary containment area at any time.


    Future nonresidential regulated development shall implement a detailed containment plan, approved by the County Manager or designee, in accordance with the standards set forth in subsection (1) hereof, with the exception that the future regulated development shall provide for both the containment and absorption of hazardous wastes .


    Existing and future nonresidential regulated development shall comply with the following conditions:


    Hazardous wastes must be removed from the secondary containment within twenty-four (24) hours of the discharge or accidental release.


    Submittal to the County of a fire plan approved by the local fire district.


    Upon discovery of any discharge or accidental release, implementation of a detailed contingency plan, approved by the county manager, which shall describe actions to be taken by the owner and/or operator in the event of a discharge or accidental release of a hazardous waste under this section. Actions shall include first response steps to control and prohibit the discharge or accidental release of the hazardous waste; remedial actions consistent with applicable state and federal laws; and proper disposal of the hazardous waste. Emergency telephone numbers shall be provided for local and state response units, and the owner and/or operator's designated emergency response personnel. The plan shall demonstrate compliance with the applicable state and federal regulations. The County shall provide forms for reporting of discharges or accidental releases.


    The owner and/or operator of the facility shall report, to the County, discharges or accidental releases exceeding fifty (50) gallons including: date, time, waste discharged or released, control measures used, quantity of waste discharged or released, and disposition of waste product, within forty-eight (48) hours of the discharge or accidental release.


    Annual inspections.


    In zones W-1, W-2, and W-3, all future and existing nonresidential development involving the generation or storage of hazardous waste below the thresholds stated herein, and all existing nonresidential development in zones W-4 and GWP involving the generation or storage of hazardous waste at or above the thresholds stated herein, shall not be required to obtain a certificate to operate, but shall comply with the following:


    No hazardous waste shall be discharged or released to any stormwater treatment system.


    No hazardous waste shall be discharged or released to any on-site sewage disposal system not permitted for industrial or manufacturing use.


    No hazardous waste shall be discharged or released to any wastewater treatment system not permitted for industrial waste.


    No hazardous waste shall be discharged or released to the surface of the land or into any water constituting or connecting to waters of the state as defined in Chapter 403, F.S .


    All hazardous waste shall be retained on-site until disposed of in accordance with applicable law.


    All hazardous waste shall be stored in rainproof and leakproof containers.


    discharges or accidental release of hazardous waste exceeding fifty (50) gallons shall be reported to the County within forty-eight (48) hours of discovery. The report shall indicate the date, time, waste discharged or released, control measures used, quantity of waste discharged or released, and disposition of recovered waste.


    Existing and future residential generation or storage of hazardous wastes . In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, residential generation and storage of hazardous waste are not regulated under this section.


    Existing and future domestic wastewater treatment plants.


    All future and existing domestic wastewater treatment plants shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state law and regulations, and comply with the state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in section 3.06.11.


    In zone W-1, all future domestic wastewater treatment plants are prohibited. The continued operation of all existing legal nonconforming domestic wastewater treatment plants shall be allowed to continue pursuant to the owner and/or operator obtaining a certificate to operate. The certificate to operate shall incorporate the following conditions:


    All applicable sampling requirements of the Florida Administrative Code, pertaining to monitoring of influent and effluent.


    All applicable groundwater monitoring requirements of the Florida Administrative Code, pertaining to groundwater monitoring, and provide the County with copies of all monitoring reports submitted to the DEP.


    The applicable influent and/ or effluent and groundwater monitoring reporting requirements of the Florida Administrative Code, and provide the County with copies of all monitoring reports submitted to the DEP.


    In zones W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, future domestic wastewater treatment plants and the continued operation of all existing legal nonconforming domestic wastewater treatment plants permitted for over 100,000 gpd, shall be allowed pursuant to the owner and/or operator demonstrating compliance with and incorporating the following conditions:


    All applicable groundwater monitoring requirements of the Florida Administrative Code, pertaining to groundwater monitoring.


    On a quarterly basis, the owner and/or operator shall provide the County with copies of all current monitoring reports submitted to the DEP.


    Existing land disposal systems for domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent.


    All existing land disposal systems for application of domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state law and regulations, and comply with the state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and as incorporated by reference in section 3.06.10.


    In zone W-1, the continued operation of all land disposal systems for the application of domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent shall be allowed pursuant to the owner and/or operator obtaining a certificate to operate. The certificate to operate shall incorporate the following conditions:


    All applicable sampling requirements of the Florida Administrative Code, pertaining to monitoring of wastewater effluent.


    All applicable surface water and groundwater monitoring as required by the DEP pursuant to the Florida Administrative Code.


    Reporting of wastewater effluent sampling data and surface water and/or groundwater monitoring data to the County on a quarterly basis.


    The wastewater treatment and high level disinfection standards identified in the Florida Administrative Code, shall be implemented for effluent land disposal systems designed to accommodate a loading rate of 2,500 gallons per acre per day.


    Future land disposal systems for domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent.


       All future land disposal systems for application of domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state law and regulations, and comply with the state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and as incorporated by reference in section 3.06.10; and must meet the high level disinfection standards as found in federal requirements.


    In zone W-1, future land disposal systems for the application of domestic wastewater treatment plant effluent shall operate pursuant to a certificate to operate incorporating the following conditions:


    All applicable sampling requirements of the Florida Administrative Code, pertaining to monitoring of wastewater effluent.


    All applicable surface water and groundwater monitoring as required by the DEP pursuant to the Florida Administrative Code.


    Reporting of wastewater effluent sampling data and surface water and/or groundwater monitoring data to the County on a quarterly basis.


    The wastewater treatment and high level disinfection standards identified in the Florida Administrative Code, shall be implemented for effluent land disposal systems designed to accommodate a loading rate of 2,500 gallons per acre per day.


    Future industrial wastewater treatment plants or facilities required to obtain an industrial wastewater permit.


    All future industrial wastewater treatment plants shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state law and regulations.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, future industrial wastewater plants and facilities subject to pretreatment standards or effluent limits for toxic pollutants, as promulgated in federal requirements, shall be permitted pursuant to a certificate to operate incorporating the conditions set forth in subsection 3.06.12(P)(3) below.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, future industrial wastewater plants and facilities subject to effluent limits for conventional or other pollutants, as promulgated in federal requirements, shall be permitted pursuant to a certificate to operate incorporating the following conditions:


    The owner and/or operator shall establish an industrial pretreatment program in accordance with the applicable categorical pretreatment standards for the specific industry as developed by the Industrial Technology Division of the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water Regulations and Standards.


    Provision of copies of all current groundwater monitoring reports and influent and/or effluent sampling data to the County on a quarterly basis.


    In zone W-1, any discharge from an industrial wastewater treatment plant shall meet the high level disinfection standards set forth herein.


    Existing and future collection and transmission systems.


    All future and existing domestic and industrial collection and transmission systems shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable County, state, and federal law and regulations, and comply with the state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in section 3.06.10 hereof.


    All existing and future collection and transmission systems located within zone W-1 shall be inspected by the owner and/or operator at six- (6) month intervals, and any deficiency from applicable design standards shall be brought into compliance within thirty (30) days of inspection.


    Existing and future domestic residual disposal sites.


    All existing legal nonconforming and future domestic residual disposal sites shall have been constructed and permitted in accordance with County Ordinance No. 87-79 [Code ch. 54, art. V], as may be amended or superseded, and all applicable state and federal law and regulations, and comply with the state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in section 3.06.10.


    Existing domestic disposal sites not meeting the criteria for a legal nonconforming use, shall within one year of the effective date of this section [November 18, 1991], come into compliance with the standards set forth in this section.


    In zone W-1, land application of class A domestic residuals shall be permitted in accordance with the standards of section 3.06.12(R)(5) below.


    In zone W-1, land application of class B and class C domestic residuals is prohibited in the absence of a wellfield conditional use permit.


    In zones W-1, W-2, and W-3, land application of domestic residual shall comply with the following criteria:


    Metal concentrations shall not exceed the thresholds set forth in the Florida Administrative Code.


    The total rate of domestic residuals applied to land shall not exceed the nitrogen uptake of the vegetation upon which the residuals are being applied, and shall be consistent with County Ordinance No. 87-79 [Code ch. 54, art. V], as may be amended or superseded, and the Florida Administrative Code.


    If domestic residuals are applied to a site that is receiving reclaimed water, the nitrogen uptake calculation shall include the combined effect of nitrogen loading from both domestic residuals and reclaimed water applied to the site, as provided in the Florida Administrative Code.


    Land application of domestic residuals is prohibited in the absence of a wellfield conditional use permit.


    Minimum frequency of groundwater monitoring criteria is as follows:

    Zones Monitoring/Reporting Frequency
    W-1 Quarterly
    W-2 Semiannually
    W-3 Semiannually
    W-4 Site specific per residual disposal permit conditions
    GWP Site specific per residual disposal permit conditions



    Existing on-site sewage disposal systems.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, existing on-site sewage disposal systems are not regulated under this section.


    Existing on-site sewage disposal systems, as defined in the Florida Administrative Code, serving existing residential structures located in zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, are not regulated under this section.


    At such times as any repairs are required to existing nonconforming disposal systems located within 200 feet of a public water supply well, the disposal system shall be upgraded to standards as specified for future on-site disposal systems in section 3.06.12(T) hereof, or shall be relocated outside of a radius of 200 feet from the well.


    On-site sewage disposal systems requiring a certificate of [to] operate under section 3.06.12(T), and serving existing industrial uses located on zones W-1, W-2, or W-3, shall be allowed to continue pursuant to a certificate to operate from the County, incorporating the following conditions:


    Reporting by the industrial user of all hazardous products stored or used at the subject location.


    Implementation of a groundwater monitoring system on the site, designed by a professional engineer or professional geologist licensed in the State of Florida, with monitoring required on a semiannual schedule for any hazardous wastes that are used or stored on the industrial site, and reporting of monitoring data to the County.


    Certification by a registered professional engineer that the on-site sewage disposal system meets construction and operating standards as contained in the Florida Administrative Code.


    Future on-site sewage disposal systems.


    In zone W-1, future on-site disposal systems requiring a soil absorption or infiltration area greater than 1,000 square feet shall be constructed to minimum standards contained in the Florida Administrative Code, as may be amended, and the following criteria:


    Wastewater shall be distributed onto the infiltration surface by means of an automatic dosing device (pump or siphon), and a low pressure lateral distribution system shall be designed as outlined in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Design Manual for On-Site wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems.


    The design of the on-site disposal of the on-site system shall be certified by a registered professional engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, to be capable of providing a vertical separation of at least twenty-four (24) inches between the bottom of the stone fill in the drainfield (infiltration surface) and the wet seasonal high water table when the disposal system is operating at design flow.


    Existing and future concentrated animal feeding operations, high intensity use areas, dairy farm storage and treatment facilities, and land application of egg wash wastewater.


    All existing and future concentrated animal feeding operations, high intensity use areas, dairy farm storage and treatment facilities, and land application of egg wash wastewater shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state and federal law and regulations, and shall comply with the state-mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code and incorporated by reference in section 3.06.10.


    In the event the DEP requires an industrial wastewater permit for any of the activities regulated pursuant to the Florida Administrative Code, the development shall comply with the criteria of section 3.06.12(P).


    Existing stormwater management systems. All existing stormwater management systems in place and operational at the time this section becomes effective [November 18, 1991] shall be allowed to continue operation without any additional regulation under this section.


    Future stormwater management systems. All future stormwater management systems shall be constructed and permitted in accordance with applicable state and SFWMD law and regulations, and shall comply with state or SFWMD mandated setbacks and buffers as adopted in the Florida Administrative Code, the SFWMD's Basis of Review for Stormwater Management Systems, and as incorporated by reference in section 3.06.10.


    Existing wells and subsurface exploration.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, all existing wells, which may be deemed to be abandoned within the meaning of the Florida Administrative Code, shall be plugged and grouted in accordance with those provisions.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, all permitted wells, temporarily inactive or standby wells, shall be fitted with a well seal meeting the criteria of the Florida Administrative Code, or blind flange within six months of the effective date of this section [November 18, 1991].


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, all other unpermitted, inactive wells that do not meet construction standards specified in sections 90-1—90-8 Code of Laws, shall be plugged and grouted within one year of the effective date of this section [November 18, 1991].


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, existing monitoring wells, that require a well construction permit pursuant to the permit procedures set forth in Chapter 10, shall be secured with a locking cap/seal within six months of the effective date of this section [November 18, 1991].


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, hazardous waste shall not be disposed of by injection well, and injection wells, other than water resource related wells, are prohibited.


    Future wells and subsurface exploration.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, all new wells, including without limitation, monitoring, drinking water, exploration, and irrigation wells, shall be constructed in accordance with -the standards in the Construction Standards Manual; section 3.06.11 of this section; and the Florida Administrative Code. In no event shall the inside diameter of such well casing be less than four (4) inches.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, hazardous waste may not be disposed of by injection well, and injection wells, other than water resource related wells, are prohibited.


    Existing and future excavations and mining operations.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, all future and existing excavation and mining operations shall be in compliance with sections 22-106—22-119 Code of Laws.


    In zones W-1, W-2, W-3, W-4, and GWP, future excavation and mining operations, and the continued operation of existing legal nonconforming excavations and mining operations, shall be allowed pursuant to the owner and/or operator complying with the following conditions: Implementation of a County-approved stormwater drainage system, incorporating best management practices for handling vehicle fuel, hydraulic fluids, lubricants, and related materials, that will divert stormwater runoff from material processing and vehicle maintenance and storage areas away from mining excavation areas.


    Existing and future petroleum exploration and production facilities.


    In zones W-1 and W-2, future petroleum exploration or production facilities, and expansion of existing petroleum exploration or production facilities, shall be prohibited.


    In zones W-3 and W-4, the siting of future petroleum exploration and production facilities is prohibited in the absence of a wellfield conditional use permit.


    In zone GWP, future petroleum product exploration shall be prohibited from directional drilling through any potable water aquifer within the vertical projection of the map boundaries of the wellfield risk management special treatment overlay zones.

(Ord. No. 12-38, § 3.I)