§ 4.02.04. Standards for Cluster Residential Design  

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  • A.

    The purpose of a cluster development design technique is to provide a unique and innovative alternative to residential development in the RSF 1 through 6, RMF-6, PUD and VR districts by creating a more varied, efficient, attractive, and economical residential development containing a more usable pattern of open space . It is intended to implement the (GMP) by, among other things, encouraging compact urban growth, discouraging urban sprawl, and encouraging the conservation of environmental resources.


    This section shall apply to all parcels of land under single ownership within the RSF 1 through 6, RMF-6, VR and PUD zoning districts which permit cluster development . See LDC section 2.03.08 A.2 for clustering standards in RFMU receiving lands district.


    Conditional uses approved for cluster development may reduce the lot area, lot width, and yard requirements within a zoning district, subject to the criteria enumerated in this section. The lot area, lot width, coverage, and yard regulations of the residential zoning district in which the cluster development is located shall be used as the basis for all computations of allowed reductions. The following reductions in lot area, lot width, coverage and yard regulations of the underlying zoning district shall be permissible pursuant to the grant of a conditional use for cluster development .


    The maximum allowable gross density in any cluster development shall not exceed the maximum allowable gross density of the residential zoning district in which the cluster housing development is located.


    The following site design and dimensional standards shall apply to cluster development :

    Table 3. Table of Design Standards for Cluster Development.

    Design Standard
    Minimum lot area per single-family unit 3,000 sq. ft.
    Minimum lot width
      Cul-de-sac lots 20 feet
      All other lots 40 feet
    Minimum setbacks
      Front yard
      front entry garage
      side entry garage

    20 feet
    10 feet
    Side yards
      zero lot line on one side
      no zero lot line
    10 feet remaining side
    5 feet each side
    Rear yard
      principal structure
      accessory structure
    10 feet
    3 feet



    Requirements for zero lot line developments :


    The zero (0) lot line portion of the dwelling unit shall be void of doors where such wall is contiguous to an adjoining lot line .


    Where the nature of the construction of a residence has provided for zero (0) side yard , footings and roof overhang encroachments may be permitted onto the adjoining lot . A roof drainage system shall be put in place to prevent roof drainage from falling onto the abutting property adjacent the walls of the residence with the zero (0) side yard tolerance. Furthermore, provision shall be made for a three (3) foot easement on the abutting property, which shall be recorded running with the land with the residence enjoying the zero (0) lot side yard , for maintenance purposes.


    Roof overhangs shall be prohibited over adjacent property lines, unless a recorded restrictive covenant creating the requisite easement interest for encroachment, maintenance, and repair of the building overhang is an element of the project.


    Common open space .


    All reductions in the minimum lot area, lot width, and yard requirements below that which would otherwise be required within the district in which the cluster development is located shall be required to provide an equal amount of common open space within the same phase and general area of each cluster of homes in the development unless said cluster development is part of a planned unit development where the open space requirements of this LDC have been satisfied.


    Common open space shall be reserved for recreational uses.


    Any commercial uses recreational facility subject to membership, registration, fees, or aimed at attracting outside users, shall not be counted as common open space .


    The sale, lease, or other disposition of common open space shall be prohibited except to a nonprofit corporation or homeowners' association or other similar entity established under the laws of Florida to administer and maintain the facilities subject to a deed restriction acceptable to the County to limit the use of said property to common open space . Provisions shall be included to assure the continued maintenance of the common open space area.


    Access rights to common open space for all residents within the cluster housing development shall be guaranteed.


    Land utilized for common open space shall be restricted to common open space in perpetuity by appropriate legal instruments satisfactory to Collier County. Such instrument shall be binding upon the owner, developer, his successors, and assigns, and shall constitute a covenant running with the land, and be in recordable form.


    Additional reduction to the development standards provided at sections 4.02.04 C.—E. may be approved by the Collier County Planning Commission for projects defined as common architectural theme projects. In determining whether or not a project qualifies as a common architectural theme project the BCC shall determine that all of the following design features are incorporated into the project:


    The architectural style of the dwelling units / structures shall be similar in design and in the use of materials and color.


    The residential project shall have a signature entranceway which serves to identify the development as having a common architectural theme. The entranceway design and improvement elements shall include some or all of the following: the use of landscape materials, gated structure , water features, sculpture, and ornamental pavement surfaces.


    Street materials, signage, and lighting shall be complementary and the same throughout the project's accessways.

(Ord. No. 12-38, § 3.K; Ord. No. 15-44, § 3.E; Ord. No. 18-18, § 3.I)