§ 4.02.13. Design Standards for Development in the BP District  

Latest version.
  • The following requirements shall apply to the business park district:


    Business parks shall be a minimum of thirty-five (35) contiguous acres. The term contiguous shall include properties separated by either an intervening planned or developed public street right-of-way ; provided, however, no portion of such separated properties shall be less than five (5) acres.


    Business parks shall be permitted to develop with a maximum of thirty (30) percent commercial uses. For the purposes of this section, commercial uses are defined as financial institutions, fitness centers, child care centers , restaurants , retail sales that are accessory to the principal use and limited to twenty (20) percent of the gross floor area , and recreational facilities.


    Business parks within the Urban-Industrial district of the Future Land Use Map of the GMP shall have direct access to a road classified as an arterial or collector street on the Five Year Future Traffic Circulation Map of the GMP, and shall have an internal circulation system that prohibits traffic from traveling through predominantly residential areas. Business parks within the Urban Mixed-Use and Urban Commercial districts of the Future Land Use Map of the GMP shall have direct access to a road classified as an arterial street on the Five Year Future Traffic Circulation Map of the GMP, and shall have an internal circulation system that prohibits traffic from having direct access to the arterial roadway and from traveling through predominantly residential areas.


    Access shall be in accordance with the Collier County GMP.


    Business parks shall have central water and sewer, and shall not generate light, noise, or odors so as to be incompatible with surrounding land uses.


    Business parks located within Interstate Activity Center quadrants that permit industrial uses shall also be required to meet the standards as stated under the Interstate Activity Center subdistrict of the Future Land Use Map of the GMP for commercial and industrial land uses. These standards include site development plan approval; landscaping, buffering , and/or berming installed along the Interstate; fencing that is wooden or masonry; no direct access to the interstate right-of-way ; joint access , and frontage roads established when frontage is not adequate to meet the access spacing requirements of the access Management Policy, Activity Center access Management Plans, or State access Management Plans, as applicable; access points and median openings designed to provide adequate turning radii to accommodate truck traffic and to minimize the need for U-turn movements; the developer to provide all necessary traffic improvements to include traffic signals, turn lanes, deceleration lanes, and other improvements deemed necessary as determined necessary during the rezoning process; and, a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for the designated industrial land uses component of the projects of 0.45.


    A twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided around the boundary of the business park. A six (6) foot tall opaque architecturally finished masonry wall, or berm , or combination thereof, shall be required and two (2) staggered rows of trees spaced no more than thirty (30) feet on center shall be located on the outside of the wall, berm , or berm /wall combination.


    No outside storage or display shall be permitted. The parking of commercial vehicles may be permitted on improved property, provided that such parking shall be limited to the rear yard . Furthermore, such parking areas, when located on a lot abutting a residential district, shall be screened from said residential district. Such screen may be in the form of walls or fences, and shall be at least six (6) feet in height. Said walls or fences shall be opaque in design and made of masonry, wood, or other materials approved by the County Manager or designee. Chain linked fences are prohibited in the business park district.


    Motor freight transportation and warehousing (4225 mini- and self-storage warehousing only) and subject to the following criteria:


    The use of metal roll-up garage doors located on the exterior of the perimeter buildings and walls of buildings which are visible from a public right-of-way is prohibited;


    Access to individual units whether direct or indirect must be from the side of a building that is oriented internally;


    No building shall exceed 100 feet in length when adjacent to a residential zoning district;


    No outdoor storage of any kind is permitted; and


    Storage units shall be utilized for storage purposes only.