§ 4.02.26. Golden Gate Parkway Professional Office Commercial Overlay District (GGPPOCO)—Special Conditions for the Properties Abutting Golden Gate Parkway East of Santa Barbara Boulevard as Referenced in the Golden Gate Parkway Professional Office Commercial District Map (Map 2) of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan  

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  • A.

    The following standards shall apply to all uses in this overlay district. Where a specific development criteria and standards also exist in the Golden Gate Master Plan, or the Future Land Use Element of the GMP, they shall supersede any less stringent requirement or place additional requirements on development .


    In support of the purpose and intent of the GGPPOCO a common architectural style is required for all proposed development within the overlay district. During the site development plan review process, architectural drawings shall be submitted indicating that all proposed buildings will have an architectural style which is similar to that approved for the existing PUDs within the district boundaries. Such architectural drawings shall depict, at a minimum, the following: the use of stucco, except for trim; pastel colors; pedestrian pockets, including benches and lampposts; tile roofs, except that where tile roofs are not provided, decorative parapet walls shall be constructed above the roof line.


    Projects shall be encouraged in the form of a PUD (there shall be no minimum acreage requirement for PUD rezones except for the requirement that all requests for rezoning must be at least 40,000 square feet in area unless the proposed rezone is an extension of an existing zoning district consistent with the Golden Gate Area Master Plan).


    Minimum project area shall be 2 acres.


    Buildings shall be set back from Golden Gate Parkway a minimum of 40 feet and from rear lot line a minimum of 25 feet.


    Buildings shall have a maximum height of 25 feet plus 10 feet for under building parking.




    Access to projects shall be provided exclusively via Golden Gate Parkway and shall be limited to 1 per 450 feet commencing at the centerline of Santa Barbara Boulevard but shall nonetheless comply with the Access Control Policy (Res. 01-247) in place at the time of development .


    Projects shall be required to provide off- street parking and may make provisions for shared parking arrangements with adjoining developments .


    Projects shall provide deceleration and acceleration lanes as may be determined by the County Manager or designee or his designee based upon the requirements of the "work within the right-of-way ordinance" (Ordinance No. 93-64) and sound engineering practices.


    Projects shall encourage pedestrian traffic by providing sidewalks . Adjacent projects shall coordinate location of sidewalks .


    Signage permitted in this overlay shall be restricted to those signs permitted under section 5.06.00 the Collier County Sign Code.




    Projects shall provide a ten (10) foot buffer between vehicular right-of-way and required sidewalk and shall provide landscaping of one (1) shade tree per thirty (30) linear feet. Such trees shall be minimum of eight (8) feet in height and one and one-half (1½) inches in diameter at the time of planting that shall have a minimum canopy of fifteen (15) feet at maturity. In addition, a hedge or berm planting combination shall be planted along the entire length of this ten (10) foot buffer consistent with section 4.06.00.


    A minimum of ten (10) percent of the gross vehicular use area shall be landscaped to provide visual relief. One (1) tree, as described in section 4.02.26 I.1., shall be provided for each seventy-five (75) square feet of this landscaped area. This landscaping shall be placed within the vehicular use area .


    Central water and sewer facilities shall be available prior to development .

(Ord. No. 09-43, § 3.A)