§ 4.02.37. Design Standards for Development in the Golden Gate Downtown Center Commercial Overlay District (GGDCCO)  

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  • A.

    Development criteria. The following standards shall apply to all uses in this overlay district. Where specific development criteria and standards also exist in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan, or the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan, these standards shall supersede any less stringent requirement or place additional requirements on development .


    Cessation of residential uses. Existing, non-owner-occupied residential uses located along Golden Gate Parkway shall cease to exist no later than seven (7) years after the effective date of the adoption of the Downtown Center Commercial Subdistrict in the Golden Gate Area Master Plan (adopted October 26, 2004; effective January 14, 2005). This does not require the removal of residential structures located on Golden Gate Parkway that are converted to uses allowed in this overlay district within one (1) additional year; nor does this require the removal of residential structures located elsewhere in this overlay district.


    Multi-story buildings .


    Only retail, personal service, and institutional uses are allowed on the first floor.


    All uses allowed by this zoning overlay, except restaurants and cocktail lounges, are allowed on the second floor.


    Only residential uses are allowed on the third floor.


    Density . Density shall be as per the underlying zoning district. For mixed-use projects, density shall be calculated based upon total project acreage.


    Setbacks .


    All development and redevelopment on lots abutting Golden Gate Parkway shall have a front yard and setback of no more than 15 feet. All projects providing a front yard setback greater than 0 feet must provide restaurant seating, and/or open space areas such as other seating, planting areas, and decorative landscape planters within such front yard , except that water management retention and detention areas are prohibited.


    All development and redevelopment on properties in the overlay area not abutting Golden Gate Parkway must comply with the front yard setback requirements of that property's underlying zoning.


    Side yard setback shall be a minimum of 5 feet.


    Rear yard setback shall be no less than ½ of the building height, with a 15-foot minimum.


    Building footprint limits.


    Minimum building footprint of 3,000 square feet.


    Maximum building footprint of 12,000 square feet.


    Minimum floor area—Residential.


    Mixed use. Minimum floor area of 1,500 square feet.


    Minimum height. The zoned height of buildings shall be no less than 34 feet.


    Maximum height. The actual height of buildings shall not exceed 3 stories or 45 feet.


    Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Standards. The Golden Gate community supports the CPTED philosophy as a way to reduce crime, improve neighborhood and business environments, and increase overall quality of life of its citizens. CPTED principles such as natural surveillance, natural access control, and territorial reinforcement shall be incorporated into the overall design of the project, consistent with the provisions in this overlay and as identified below.


    Public paths shall be clearly marked by using design elements such as landscaping and pedestrian accent lighting.


    Public entrances shall be clearly defined by walkways and signage, as specifically provided in this overlay.


    Common architectural style. In support of the purpose and intent of the GGDCCO, all structures within the overlay district shall have a common Mediterranean architectural style, with barrel tile roofs, stucco façades, arches and wood accent members used as details. During the site development plan review process, architectural drawings shall be submitted to demonstrate adherence to this requirement. All commercial and mixed use buildings and projects shall be subject to the provisions of section 5.05.08 of the Code, except as provided herein.


    Architectural standards. All buildings shall meet the requirements set forth in section 5.05.08, except as otherwise specified below:


    Buildings with frontage on Golden Gate Parkway shall have 60 percent of the ground-floor façade finished with clear or lightly tinted glass.


    The glazed area of the façade above the first-floor shall be at least twenty (20) percent but shall not exceed 35 percent of the total area, with each façade being calculated independently.


    Design elements used to embellish the primary façade shall be similarly incorporated into the rear façade of buildings .


    The façades of buildings 5,000 square feet or larger shall use rooflines that vary in height or architectural embellishments, such as cupolas, at least every 80 feet.


    Parapet roof treatments are prohibited.


    Flat roofs must be screened with a mansard edge barrel tile roof extending the length of all façades .


    Building entrances shall be accentuated through architectural elements, lighting, landscaping, and/or paving stones.


    Outdoor display/sale of merchandise.


    No automatic food and drink vending machines shall be located exterior to buildings .


    Access . Those aggregated lots developed under these overlay provisions and fronting on Golden Gate Parkway must provide site access from abutting local streets and may not obtain site access from Golden Gate Parkway, and where one such commercial or mixed use development provides site access at the project boundary abutting other lots, whether aggregated or not for commercial or mixed use development . Such developments must provide for joint or cross access with the abutting property or properties in order to share access and minimize the number of points from Golden Gate Parkway.


    Parking standards. All commercial and mixed-use projects shall meet the parking requirements as set forth below:


    A minimum of 3 public parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of commercial floor area.


    A minimum of 1.5 parking spaces for each residential unit.


    No parking is allowed in the front yard of lots abutting Golden Gate Parkway.


    There shall be no parking requirement for outdoor restaurant seating areas.


    Shared parking is required, where possible and feasible.


    Interconnection between adjacent parking lots is required, where possible and feasible.


    Parking facility lighting shall be consistent with the pedestrian/accent decorative lighting fixtures illustrated in Fig. 29, page 5-9 of the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan, as amended, and shall be maintained at a light level of 3.0 foot candles, and arranged and shielded in a manner that protects roadways and neighboring properties from direct glare or other interference.


    All projects that are adjacent to residential development within the district and/or residentially zoned properties outside the district shall provide lighting fixtures with full-cutoff optics that direct the light source downward.


    The overnight parking of commercial vehicles, with a rated load capacity of one ton or more, is prohibited.


    The overnight parking of commercial vehicles shall be limited to 1 vehicle per 1,000 square feet of commercial floor area, not to exceed 6 commercial vehicles per building.


    Project standards. In addition to the site design elements described in section 5.05.08 F.1, all projects shall provide:


    Two accept or specimen trees, above the minimum landscape code requirements, for every 100 linear feet along both the front and rear façades , at a minimum height of 18 feet at planting, except that projects with frontage along Golden Gate Parkway shall only be required to provide the planting along the rear façade .


    Decorative landscape planters or planting areas, a minimum of 5 feet wide, and areas for shaded seating consisting of a minimum of 100 square feet.


    Landscaping. All commercial and mixed use projects shall meet the landscape requirements in section 4.06.00 of the Code, unless otherwise specified in this zoning overlay.


    Project Perimeter Buffering . All projects that are located adjacent to residential zoning external to the district boundaries shall provide a 6-foot wide sidewalk and a minimum 19-foot wide landscape planting area, except that the project's frontage along Golden Gate Parkway shall be exempt from this requirement.

    The planting area shall be landscaped with: 1. shrubs and ground cover; shrubs shall be planted in a double row and be no less than 24 inches in height at time of planting; and, 2. Trees, planted one per 30 linear feet and, at time of planting, shall be a minimum height of 22 feet.


    Internal Project Buffering . All projects that are located adjacent to a residential use within the district boundaries shall provide an Alternative B buffer per section 4.06.02 C.2. except: walls and berms are prohibited, a freestanding hedge must be 6 feet in height, if a fence is provided it must be accompanied by a hedge 3 feet in height with a 2 foot spread at time of planting. The project frontage along Golden Gate Parkway shall be exempt from this requirement.


    Building Foundation Planting Areas. Building foundation plantings shall be required for all projects, except for buildings adjacent to Golden Gate Parkway and the rights-of-way abutting the district's external boundaries.


    Project Vehicular Use Areas. Mountable curbs shall be provided for all terminal landscape islands as depicted in Figure 3, Section 4.06.03.B.3.


    Golden Gate Parkway Right-of-Way Improvements. Right-of-way improvements required for properties/lots with frontage along Golden Gate Parkway.


    Curbing. All projects/lots shall provide Type "F" non-mountable curbing per F.D.O.T. "Roadway and Traffic Design Standards" Index 300, the latest edition.


    Landscaping. All projects/ lots shall be required to provide an 8 foot wide landscaping strip between the curb and sidewalk. This planting area may be reduced between tree spacing to 5 feet wide, for a maximum of 50 percent of the buffer area, to accommodate street furnishings and fixtures, consistent with the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan.

    The landscaping strip shall be landscaped with: 1. Turf, not to exceed 50 percent of the planting area; 2. Shrubs and ground cover, at a minimum of 50 percent coverage, not to exceed a mature height of 24 inches; and, 3. Canopy trees, planted one per 30 linear feet and, shall be at time of planting, a minimum 4-inch caliper with 8 feet of clear trunk and 22 feet in height.

    All planting materials in the public right-of-way shall be consistent with those identified in the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan. Installation and maintenance shall be consistent with the Collier County Construction Standards Handbook for Work Within the Right-of-Way.

    Where right-of-way plantings above are not practicable, a planting area and/or a decorative planter(s) may be provided consistent with the Collier County Construction Standards Handbook for Work Within the Right-of-Way.

    Property owners shall be required to enter into a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with the County for the installation and maintenance of the required right-of-way plantings. Landscape Maintenance Agreements shall require a signed and sealed landscape and irrigation plan(s), review by the appropriate Transportation Division staff, approval by the Board of County Commissioners, and recording of said agreement with the Clerk of Courts. Plans shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


    Existing conditions inventory.


    Proposed plantings/details of planting methods and maintenance specifications.


    Location of utilities.


    Location of drainage facilities.


    Irrigation proposal, including water connections.


    Sidewalks. All projects/lots shall provide a ten foot wide sidewalk between the required landscape strip identified in "b." above and the property line. Sidewalks shall be constructed pursuant to the Land Development Code and the "Construction Standards Handbook for Work Within the Right-of-Way ". Decorative pavers (consistent with the approved pavers identified in the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan) may be substituted for portions of sidewalk, subject to approval by the County Manager, or designee.

    Where a portion of the required sidewalk cannot be constructed in the public right-of-way , the property owner shall locate such portion on their private property and grant the County an easement.


    Address numbers. Address numbers shall be 8 inches in vertical height and shall be located on the primary building façade . Numbering materials shall be reflective and have a contrasting background.


    Signage. As required, allowed, or prohibited in section 5.06.00 of the Code.


    Lighting. As described and provided in the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan or as identified below:


    Internal Project Lighting. All projects shall use architectural decorative lighting. Such lighting shall be the same decorative lighting as identified in Figure 29 on page 5-9 of the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan. If such lighting becomes unavailable, similarly themed lighting shall be used. Light fixtures must light all public use areas adjacent to the building (e.g. entryway, courtyards, etc.) to a recommended 0.5 candle level of illumination. Lighting shall be arranged in a manner that protects roadways and neighboring properties from direct glare or other interference.


    Street/Roadway Lighting. Architectural decorative lighting shall be used along Golden Gate Parkway within the public right-of-way . Such lighting shall be a variation of the decorative lighting identified as Figure 29 on page 5-9 of the Golden Gate Community Roadways Beautification Master Plan, more specifically identified as the Lumec Domus Series (DMS50-250MH-SG3-480-LD-DL-CRL72-1A/U.S. 41 East lighting fixture). If such lighting becomes unavailable, similarly themed lighting shall be used. The installation and maintenance of lighting shall be consistent with the Collier County Construction Standards Handbook for Work Within the Right-of-Way .


    Dumpsters. Dumpsters shall be screened and positioned out of view from public rights-of-way and pedestrian walkways.

(Ord. No. 06-08, § 3.R; Ord. No. 08-63, § 3.L; Ord. No. 09-43, § 3.A; Ord. No. 16-22, § 3.D)