§ 5.04.05. Temporary Events  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Special Events. This section establishes the location and development standards for special events, including temporary market events, sales and promotional events, and sports, religious, and community events.


    Standards applicable to all special events.


    Sanitary facilities shall be provided for the duration of the event. Proof of consent by business management shall be provided if permanent business restrooms are to be used.


    Safe ingress and egress shall be provided to the site, including emergency access measures.


    A maximum of 25 percent of the vehicular use area may be occupied or otherwise rendered unusable by the placement of temporary structures , equipment, and merchandise associated with the special event, unless equivalent additional off-site parking is provided.


    The minimum required number of handicapped parking spaces for the site pursuant to LDC section 4.05.07 shall not be used for the special event.


    In support of the special event, temporary structures , equipment, merchandise, and signage may be placed on the site subject to the approval of a site diagram depicting the locations of principal structures , parking, temporary structures , and signage.


    Temporary signage shall be subject to the restrictions set forth in LDC section 5.04.06.


    All temporary structures , equipment, merchandise, or placement and parking of vehicles in conjunction with the special event shall be located in a parking lot or open space at least 10 feet from the property line and shall be removed at the conclusion of each event.


    A building permit may be required for the erection of temporary tents or structures .


    See Collier County Code of Laws Sections 118-102 and 118-131 to 118-155, or successor sections, for additional standards related to solid waste and recycling collection.


    No sales, advertising, or other activity related to the special event shall be permitted in the public right-of-way in accordance with Collier County Code of Laws Section 26-1, or successor sections.


    Application. The Administrative Code shall establish the procedural requirements for special events.


    Temporary Market Events. A Temporary use permit is required for temporary market events to allow for the temporary sale of retail products which may not normally be available in non-residential zoning districts. Temporary market events shall be defined as a single- or multi-vendor event where vendors sell goods or personal services directly to the public, such as, but not limited to: farmers markets, art fairs, and craft fairs.


    Location. Temporary market events are allowed on improved or unimproved non-residential properties. For temporary events on Collier County Property, see LDC section 5.04.05 D.


    The applicant shall provide a letter from the property owner or property manager granting permission to utilize the subject property for the temporary market event during the requested time period.


    Sales and Promotional Events.


    A temporary use permit is required for temporary sales and/or promotional events on non-residential property, such as grand openings, going out of business sales, special promotional sales, sidewalk sales, overstock sales, tent sales, or other similar uses for sales and promotional events related to the principal activities in operation at the subject property, unless otherwise provided for in this section.


    Temporary use permits for sales may be issued to the owner(s) of a commercial establishment, or to the tenant(s) operating within a commercial establishment with the approval of the property owner or property manager, provided said tenant provides documentation of a current annual lease with the property owner. Uses permitted by an approved temporary sales permit shall be operated by the property owner or tenant(s), except as provided for in LDC sections 5.04.05 A.3.e. and 5.04.05 A.3.f. below.


    Temporary use permits for sales shall be restricted to those zoning districts in which the sale of the items would normally be permitted. Further, the sales activity permitted by the temporary use permit shall be related to the principal commercial activities in operation on the subject property, except as provided for in LDC sections 5.04.05 A.3.e. and 5.04.05 A.3.f. below.


    Special event temporary use permits for Sales and Promotional Events shall not be issued for unimproved properties, with exception to pre-construction ground breaking events with a valid development order .


    The County Manager or designee may issue temporary use permits for satellite locations subject to the applicable restrictions set forth in this section, provided the applicant currently operates a business from a permanent, approved commercial location within the County. Additionally, the purpose of the temporary sale shall be the same as the principal purpose of the existing commercial business of the applicant .


    The County Manager or designee may, in determining a specific benefit to the public, grant a temporary use permit to facilitate the sale of an item or items not generally available within a specific planning community, subject to the applicable restrictions set forth in this section.


    Sports, religious, and community events.


    A temporary use permit is required for sports, religious, community, or other similar events sponsored by profit, nonprofit, charitable, civil, or membership organizations, on lands not specifically developed and approved for such activities on a regular basis.


    Temporary use permits of this type may, in support of the use being permitted, include a mobile home as an office, but not for residency.


    Temporary use permits in this category shall be restricted to those zoning districts in which the use would be compatible, unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Commissioners via a public petition request.


    The County Manager or designee shall accept, without fee, temporary use permit applications for sports, religious, community, or other similar events, upon presentation of documentation that the sponsor of the event is a bona fide nonprofit organization and the event is intended to benefit the community at large or a specific group of individuals. Two such events per calendar year per organization are eligible for this permit.


    Temporary seasonal sales. A temporary use permit may be issued for seasonal and holiday related temporary sales subject to the following restrictions.


    Temporary use permits for seasonal sales may be issued only for the following seasonal/holiday related items:


    Christmas trees.


    Fireworks, as allowed by F.S. Chapter 791 and subject to the issuance of an approved permit by the jurisdictional fire district.




    Temporary use permits for seasonal sales may be issued on improved or unimproved properties.


    The applicant shall provide a letter from the property owner or property manager granting permission to utilize the subject property for the temporary seasonal sales.


    Garage sales. A permit is required for garage sales, lawn sales, and other similar temporary sales to be held at private homes, churches and other places of worship, community centers, or other nonprofit residentially zoned institutions.


    Temporary events on Collier County property:


    A Board approved agreement shall be required for temporary events on all Collier County parks, facilities, and other property. A temporary use permit shall not be required.


    Signage for temporary events on Collier County property shall comply with LDC section 5.04.06 Temporary Signs.


    The applicant shall coordinate with emergency medical services, fire districts, and Collier County Sheriff's offices to determine the appropriate level of coverage required for the event.


    Temporary Uses, not elsewhere classified. At the direction of the BCC, the County may, from time to time, be called upon to allow certain uses for specific periods of time. After public hearing, the County Manager or designee may issue a Temporary Use Permit upon receipt of satisfactory evidence that all stipulations and/or requirements have been satisfied.


    Temporary event time limits.


    Table 5.04.05 F.1. - Temporary Event Time Limits

    Temporary event type Maximum number of event days allowed for each permit Maximum number of event days allowed per calendar year per location
    Temporary market events 13 52
    Sales and promotional events 14 28 2, 3
    Sports, religious, and community events 14 28 2, 3
    Temporary seasonal sales 35 105
    Garage sales 2 4
    Temporary events on Collier County property As approved in accordance with LDC section 5.04.05 D.
    Temporary uses not elsewhere classified As approved in accordance with LDC section 5.04.05 E.
     Maximum consecutive event days shall not exceed two event days at any one location.

     Extension. Temporary use permits for sales and promotional events and sports, religious, and community events may be extended up to an additional four weeks when approved by the Board of County Commissioners at a regularly scheduled public meeting. Such approval may be subject to stipulations and additional constraints which shall be noted as conditions of the permit and the permittee will be required to sign a notarized agreement to abide by such conditions.

     For multiple occupancy parcels with ten or more tenants the total duration of all such events shall not exceed 42 event days per calendar year.

     The County Manager or designee may issue one 2-day permit for such events during each 6-month period.


(Ord. No. 10-23, § 3.FF; Ord. No. 13-56, § 3.P; Ord. No. 14-33, § 3.Q; Ord. No. 14-40, § 2.C; Ord. No. 15-28, § 2; Ord. No. 16-27, § 3.P)