§ 5.05.04. Group Housing  

Latest version.
  • A.

    All group housing structures shall meet the following requirements specified for each type of structure. All proposals for group housing , except family care facilities , shall be processed with a SDP.


    A family care facility shall be treated as a single- dwelling unit for the purpose of determining applicable development standards and, therefore, shall conform to the standards identified for a single-family dwelling unit or mobile home in the zoning district assigned to the property, as well as other applicable standards found in this Code. However, a new family care facility shall not be located within a radius of 1,000 feet of another existing family care facility.


    Table of site design standards for category I and category II group care facilities :

    Category I and II Homeless Shelters
    Minimum habitable floor area (sq. ft.) 1,500 + 200 for each person over six 1,500 + 150 for each person over six
    Minimum lot area (sq. ft.) 6,000 + 1,500 for each person over six 6,000 + 400 for each person over six
    Parking spaces 2 per five beds (minimum of 2 spaces)
    Separation requirement from an existing group care facility in RMF-6, RMF-12, RMF-16, RT, and VR zoning districts Radius of 1,200 feet or more
    Separation requirement from an existing group care facility in A, estates, and RSF 1—6 zoning districts Radius of 500 feet or more
    Special setback requirements for property abut ting residential zoning districts 20 feet from residential property line
    Special setback requirements for property abutting roadways 25 feet of a road right-of-way line



    All other care housing environments as defined in this Code, including, but not limited to, care units , assisted living units, continuing care retirement communities, nursing homes, and dwelling units that are part of an aging-in-pace living environment shall adhere to the following standards in addition to those established by the underlying zoning district.


    The maximum floor area ratio shall not exceed 0.45.


    No structure shall be erected within twenty (20) feet of any abutting lot or parcel which is zoned residential, nor within twenty-five (25) feet of a road right-of-way .


    Parking spaces required:


    Independent living units. One (1) per dwelling unit .


    Assisted living units. 0.75 per assisted unit.


    Nursing care units . Two (2) parking spaces per five (5) beds.


    The procedures for applications and review of proposed group care facilities are set forth in Chapter 10.


    Emergency Environmental Control Plans. In accordance with Rules 58A-5.036 and 59A-4.1265, F.A.C., as amended, Emergency Environmental Control Plans for assisted living facilities and nursing homes, as defined by §§ 400 and 429 F.S., shall be submitted as a supplement to its Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, to the Bureau of Emergency Services - Emergency Management Division.


    The Emergency Environmental Control Plans shall include the following information, in addition to the requirements identified in Rules 58A-5.036 and 59A-4.1265, F.A.C., as amended:


    Primary evacuation locations, either within or outside the county, and a secondary location outside of the county.


    Finished floor elevation of the first and second floors of all structures.


    Permanent emergency generator or alternate power sources. Assisted living facilities or nursing homes, as defined by §§ 400 and 429 F.S., shall install permanent emergency generators or an alternate power source to ensure ambient air temperatures will be maintained at or below 81 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of 96 hours in the event of the loss of primary electrical power.


    If a permanent emergency generator is used the following shall be required:


    Permanent emergency generator specifications.


    Permanent emergency generators and the associated fuel supply shall be sized to ensure compliance with §§ 58A-5.036 F.A.C., as amended, for assisted living facilities and 59A-4.1265 F.A.C., as amended, for nursing homes.


    Permanent emergency generators shall be installed, tested and maintained in accordance with NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code, and NFPA 110, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems.


    Regular testing and inspections required. Permanent emergency generators shall be tested under load as required by §§ 58A-5.036 F.A.C., as amended, for assisted living facilities and 59A-4.1265 F.A.C., as amended, for nursing homes, and by manufacturer's specifications, and be inspected a minimum of once per year. Each facility shall keep a written statement on site attesting to the regular maintenance, third-party testing and inspection of the generator and fuel system by a service organization authorized by the manufacturer.


    Submittal Requirements.


    Manufacturer's specifications of the permanent emergency generator.


    Calculations demonstrating adequacy of fuel supply to comply with §§ 58A-5.036 F.A.C., as amended, for assisted living facilities and 59A-4.1265 F.A.C., as amended, for nursing homes.


    Backup connectivity. A power transfer switch or automatic transfer switch shall be installed to accommodate a secondary or back-up generator connection point in the event of failure for the permanent emergency generator or alternate power source.


    Emergency Environmental Control Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Bureau of Emergency Services - Emergency Management Division.


    The Plan shall be resubmitted to the County annually from the date of original submittal, or at the time of a change of ownership of the facility, or after a modification to a previously approved Plan.


    Notification of Plan submittal shall be in accordance with Rules 58A-5.036 and 59A-4.1265, F.A.C., as amended.

(Ord. No. 18-32, § 3.D)