§ 5.05.14. Public Schools  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose and intent. This section is intended to provide for compatibility of public schools in Estates, residential, and commercial zoning districts. In particular, this section seeks to ensure that impacts to traffic circulation, vehicle stacking, and vehicular and pedestrian access to the site are reviewed by the County and impacts are mitigated. All applications for public schools submitted as of September 16, 2016 shall be considered in the manner described by this section.


    All public schools shall meet the standards in LDC sections 5.05.14 C., D., and E. below, unless an agreement is established between the operator of the public school and the Board of County Commissioners that addresses, at a minimum, the issues established in F.S. §§ 163.31777 and 1013.33.


    Requirements where no agreement is established between the operator of the public school and the Board of County Commissioners:


    Public schools located within the Estates or residential zoning districts shall be subject to conditional use approval and this section.


    Public schools located within a commercial zoning district that construct a new building(s) or occupy an existing building(s) , or there is an expansion to the school which results in greater than a 5 percent increase in student capacity shall comply with this section.


    Traffic circulation standards for all application types:


    Vehicles trips dedicated to the public school shall not queue or have an impact on existing through-lanes on the adjacent roadways and shall be addressed in accordance with TIS guidelines and procedures.


    Pedestrian access shall be provided from the public school to external pathways .


    Application requirements.


    A SDP, SDPA, SDPI, or a SIP shall be submitted pursuant to LDC section 10.02.03 and shall demonstrate the following:


    The location of all drop-off and pick-up and sites, such as those for vehicles and buses.


    The location of on-site stacking lanes that serve drop-off and pick-up sites.


    The location of new or existing turn lanes.


    The location of all internal pedestrian connections and the location of pedestrian access points to exterior pathways .


    Any additional information requested by the County Manager or designee regarding traffic impacts.


    A TIS, in accordance with the TIS guidelines and procedures, shall demonstrate the following:


    The trip distribution percentages and number of trips, and trip assignments of where vehicles and buses will enter and exit the site.


    Any additional information requested by the County Manager or designee regarding traffic impacts.


    Educational facilities , as defined in LDC section 1.08.02, shall be exempt from this section.

(Ord. No. 16-27, § 3.Q)