§ 5.06.01. Generally
§ 5.06.02. Development Standards for Signs within Residential Districts
§ 5.06.03. Development Standards for Signs for Institutional Uses
§ 5.06.04. Development Standards for Signs in Nonresidential Districts.
§ 5.06.05. Exemptions from These Regulations
§ 5.06.06. Prohibited Signs
§ 5.06.07. Enforcement
§ 5.06.08. Sign Variances
§ 5.06.09. Nonconforming Signs
§ 5.06.10. Removal of Prohibited or Abandoned Signs.
§ 5.06.11. Permit Application and Review Process for Signs


Definitions. The definitions of the following terms shall apply to the requirements of the Land Development Code, in particular this section 5.06.00, to be known as the "Collier County Sign Code."

Activated sign: Any sign which contains or uses for illumination any light, lighting device, or lights which change color, flash, or alternate; or change appearance of said sign or any part thereof automatically; any sign which contains moving parts as part of its normal operation, such as rotating signs, shall be considered an activated sign.

Animated/Activated sign: A sign depicting or involving action, motion, through electrical or mechanical means.

Awning sign: ( aka canopy sign or marquee sign ): A sign suspended from or forming part of a shelter supported partially or entirely by the exterior wall of a building or structure.

Banner sign: A temporary sign on lightweight material and either enclosed or not enclosed on a rigid frame, and secured or mounted to allow motion caused by the atmosphere.

Billboard sign: A sign advertising an establishment, merchandise, service, or entertainment, which is not sold, produced, manufactured, or furnished at the premises upon which the sign is located.

Bulk permit: A permit issued for any number of signs.

Canopy sign: (See Awning, sign.)

Changeable copy: A sign or portion of a sign upon which messages may be changed manually through the utilization of attachable letters, numbers, symbols and other similar graphics which are mounted in or on a track system.

Construction sign: A sign erected on premises under construction.

Directional sign: A ground or wall sign located within, or at the exit or entrance of a parcel or development.

Directory sign: A sign located at the entrance to a multiple-occupancy parcel or multiple parcels developed under a unified plan of development. This sign may be a freestanding (pole, monument or ground), awning, or wall sign.

Double-faced sign: A sign having two display surfaces, displaying the same copy on both faces, which are parallel and back-to-back and not more than 24 inches apart. Double-faced signs shall be measured by only one side if both sides display the same message/graphics.

Electric sign: Any sign containing electrical wiring, but not including signs illuminated by exterior light sources, such as floodlights.

Flag: A sign made of material secured on 1 side from a flagpole such that the sign material hangs when not set in motion by the movement of air.

Flagpole: A freestanding, ground mounted, structure or a structure mounted to a building, or to the roof of a building and used for the sole purpose of displaying a flag.

Freestanding sign: (See Pole sign.)

Ground sign: A sign, 8 ft. in height or lower which is independent of support from any building, that is mounted on freestanding poles or other supports, and shall include a pole cover that is between 50 percent and 100 percent of the overall sign width.

Hand-held sign: A sign held or waved by a person.

Illuminated sign: An illuminated sign is one which either: (a) provides artificial light through exposed bulbs, lamps, or luminous tubes on the sign surface; (b) emits light through transparent or translucent material from a source within the sign; or (c) reflects light from a source intentionally directed upon it.

Inflatable sign: Any object made of plastic, vinyl, or other similar material that, when inflated with gas or air, represents, advertises, or otherwise draws attention to a product, service, or activity.

Institutional use: Five or more contiguous acres developed under unified ownership as part of a unified plan of development and used predominantly for educational, medical or governmental purposes.

Light pole banners: Fabric panels projecting from light poles.

Mansard sign: Any sign which is attached to a mansard-style roof with the face parallel to the structure to which it is attached and which does not project more than 18 inches from such structure, or above the roofline. Mansard signs shall be considered wall signs.

Marquee sign: (See Awning sign.)

Mobile billboard. Any sign displayed upon a vehicle where the principal purpose of the vehicle is not general transportation, but the display of the sign itself.

Monument sign: A ground sign with low overall height. Typically, the base is nearly as wide as the sign itself.

Mural sign: A sign that is a painting or an artistic work comprised of photographs or arrangements of color that displays a commercial or noncommercial message, relies solely on the side of the building for rigid structural support, and is painted on the building or depicted on vinyl, fabric, or other similarly flexible materials that is held in place flush or flat against the surface of a building.

Nonconforming sign: Any sign or advertising structure lawfully in existence within Collier County on the date this ordinance became effective (November 14, 1991) or was subsequently amended, which by its height, area, location, use or structure does not conform to the requirements of the sign code. This definition shall not be construed to include signs specifically prohibited by this LDC.

Off-premise directional sign: A sign that is displayed for a building, structure, or use that is located on another premise. A billboard is not an off-premise directional sign.

On-premises sign: A sign displayed on a premises. A sign containing non-commercial speech is considered an on-premises sign.

Pennant sign: A triangular shaped sign or series of signs made of paper, plastic, or fabric of any kind intended to be hung by being tethered along its base.

Permanent sign: A sign which is affixed to a building or the ground in such a manner as to be immobile.

Pole sign: A sign, 8 feet in height or greater that is independent of support from any building, that is mounted on freestanding poles or other supports.

Portable sign: Any sign which is designed to be transported by trailer or on its own wheels, even though the wheels may be removed and the remaining chassis is attached to the ground. It is characteristic of such sign that a portion of the space provided for display consists of a changeable copy sign.

Project identification sign: A directional sign which provides identification or recognition of a development only; individual tenants or outparcels are not permitted to use this type of signage.

Projecting sign: Any sign which is attached to and which projects, more than 18 inches from the outside wall of any building or structure, excluding wall, marquee, and canopy signs.

Real estate sign: A ground or building sign erected on premises for sale, lease, or exchange.

Reasonable repairs and maintenance: The work necessary to keep the sign, including the sign structure, in a good state of repair; but shall not include replacement of materials in the sign structure or any change to the graphics or message displayed.

Revolving sign (a/k/a rotating sign): Any sign so erected or constructed as to periodically or continuously change the direction toward which any plane containing the display surface is oriented.

Roof sign: Any sign erected, constructed, or maintained either on the roof, or more than 18 inches above the roof of any building.

Sandwich board/sidewalk sign: A sign not secured or attached to the ground or surface upon which it is located, but supported by its own frame and most often forming the cross-sectional shape of the letter A when viewed from the side. Sandwich board/sidewalk signs are not considered portable signs.

Sign: Any visual representation intended to advertise, identify, or communicate information to attract the attention of the public for any purpose and includes any symbols, letters, figures, illustrations, graphics or forms painted or otherwise affixed to any structure or device.

Sign area: The entire area within the periphery of a regular geometric form or combination of regular geometric forms comprising all of the display area of the sign and including all the elements of the matter displayed. Signs consisting of detached letters shall also be measured as defined above.

Sign face: The area, display surface, or part of a sign on which the graphic is placed.

Sign structure: Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting sign. This definition shall not include a building to which a sign is attached.

Snipe sign: A sign made of any material and attached to a utility pole, tree, fence post, stake, stick, mailbox, or any similar object.

Temporary sign: A sign bearing a message which is displayed before, during and after an event, to which the sign relates, and which is scheduled to take place at a specific time and place.

Unified development plan: Land, under unified control, to be planned and developed as a whole in a single development or a programmed series of development phases.

V-shaped sign: Two single-face freestanding signs that are constructed in the form of a "V" when viewed from above, provided the internal angle at the apex is not more than 90 degrees, and the two faces are not separated by more than six inches at the apex and displaying the same message on both faces.

Wall sign, fascia or parapet: A sign affixed in a manner to any exterior wall of a building or structure, and which is parallel to and projects not more than 18 inches from the building or structure wall, and which does not extend more than 18 inches above the roof line of the main building. Signs attached to parapet walls shall not exceed the height of the parapet wall.

Window sign: A window sign which is painted on, attached to, or visible through a window, excluding displays of merchandise.

(Ord. No. 09-43, § 3.B; Ord. No. 14-33, § 3.R; Ord. No. 16-22, § 3.R)