Collier County |
Land Development Code |
§ 6.02.03. Transportation Level of Service Requirements
All developments that impact the traffic network shall be evaluated in accordance with the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) Guidelines and Procedures.
The analysis shall show the impact on the proposed internal streets of the subdivision or development and existing externally affected streets . The analysis shall be used to determine the street classification, width and number of traffic lanes internal to the development , and any requirements for off-site (external) improvements on the existing street system per the GMP.
Level of service calculations for road facilities means calculations for peak hour traffic on a roadway segment for maximum service volumes at the adopted LOS. Peak hour is calculated as the 100th highest hour based on a 10 month period (omitting February and March), which is generally equivalent to the 250th highest hour for a twelve (12) month period. For design of roadway capacity projects, the 30th highest hour for a 12-month period at LOS "D" will be utilized.
In assessing the capacity of a County road segment, a state road segment or TCMA for the purpose of determining whether it is operating below the adopted LOS, or would based on the traffic impacts identified in an approved TIS submitted as part of an application for a final local developments order, the County shall consider:
Current roadway facilities including, but not limited to, number of lanes, provision of turn lanes, operation of intersections, and number of signals.
Capital road improvements under construction, or for which the construction contract has been let.
Any improvements that are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement in which the improvements are completed or under construction, or for which the construction contract has been let, before the impacts from the development or phased development accrue to the roadway system.
Construction of the required capital improvement is included in the first or second year of either the Florida DOT 5 year work program or the first or second year of the Collier County Schedule of Capital Improvements adopted as part of the Annual Update and Amendment of the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) and Collier County Annual Budget that follows approval of the AUIR.
The BCC has made an express finding, after a public hearing, that the current 5-year capital improvement schedule is based on a realistic, financially feasible program of funding from existing revenue sources.
The final local development order is for a project located within a TCEA or TCMA designated in the GMP which meet the applicable requirements of Policies 5.5 through 5.9 of the Transportation Element.
The necessary facilities are the subject of a binding commitment with the developer to contribute fair share funding as provided for in Policy 5.9 of the Transportation Element, if applicable, or to construct the needed facilities.
The LOS for capital road facilities on the major road network system are as set forth in Policy 1.1.5 of the CIE and Policy 1.4 of the Transportation Element of the GMP.
Proportionate Share Payments. Proportionate share payments may be used to mitigate the impacts of a development on a deficient roadway link by more than a de minimis amount within a Transportation Concurrency Management Area in which 85 percent of the north-south lane miles and 85 percent of the east-west lane miles are operating at or above the adopted LOS standards consistent with Policies 5.8 and 5.9 of the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element.
However, no impact will be de minimis if it exceeds the adopted level-of-service standard of any affected designated hurricane evacuation routes within a TCMA. Hurricane routes in Collier County are shown on Map TR7 of the Transportation Element. Any impact to a hurricane evacuation route operating below the adopted LOS within a TCMA shall require a proportionate share payment provided the remaining LOS requirements of the TCMA are maintained. Proportionate share payments under this section are determined subsequent to a finding of concurrency for a proposed project within a TCMA and do not influence the concurrency determination process. Development of an individual single-family residence will not be required to contribute or make a proportionate share payment under this section.
The proportionate share of the cost of improvements of such deficient roadways is calculated according to the following formula:
Project trips impacting deficient link/SV increase × cost = proportionate share .
Project trips = Cumulative number of the trips from the proposed development expected to reach the roadway during the peak hour from the complete buildout of a stage or phase being approved.
SV increase = The change in peak hour maximum service volume of the roadway resulting from construction of the improvement necessary to maintain the adopted level of service .
Cost = Cost of construction, at the time of developer payment, of an improvement necessary to maintain the adopted level of service . Construction cost includes all improvement associated costs, including engineering design, right-of-way acquisition, planning, engineering, inspection, and other associated physical development costs directly required and associated with the construction of the improvement.
The cost for a deficient roadway link shall be established using a typical "lane mile cost" of adding lanes to a roadway having a similar area type/facility type as determined by the Collier County Transportation Administrator.
(Ord. No. 08-63, § 3.Y; Ord. No. 12-38, § 3.Y; Ord. No. 13-56, § 3.AA)