§ 6.02.08. Solid Waste Facility Level of Service Requirements  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The LOS for capital solid waste management facilities is 2 years of constructed lined cell capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous 3 years, and 10 years of permittable landfill capacity at the average disposal rate for the previous 3 years.


    The determination of public facility adequacy for solid waste management facilities shall be based on the following:


    The required public facilities are in place at the time a final site development plan , final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued.


    The required public facilities are under construction at the time a final site development plan , final subdivision plat, or building permit is issued.


    The required public facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of subsections 1. and 2. above.

(Ord. No. 08-63, § 3.CC)