§ 6.06.05. Clear Sight Distance

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  • A.

    Where an accessway intersects a right-of-way or when a property abuts the intersection of 2 or more rights-of-way , a minimum safe sight distance triangular area shall be established. Any vegetation within this area shall be planted and maintained in a way that provides unobstructed visibility at a level between 30 inches and 8 feet above the crown of the adjacent roadway. Landscaping shall be located in accordance with the roadside recovery area provisions of the State of Florida Department of Transportation's Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction, and Maintenance of streets and Highways (DOT Green Book) where appropriate. Posts for illuminating fixtures, traffic control, and street name signs shall also be permitted, so long as the sign or equipment is not within the prescribed clear space.


    Where an accessway enters a right-of-way , 2 safe distance triangles shall be created diagonally across from each other on both sides of the accessway. Two sides of the triangle shall extend 10 feet each way from the point of intersection from the edge of pavement and the right-of-way line. The third side of the triangle shall be a line connecting the ends of the other 2 sides.


    Where a property abuts the intersection of 2 rights-of-way , a safe distance triangle shall be created. Two sides of the triangle shall extend 30 feet along the abutting right-of-way lines, measured from the point of intersection. The third side of the triangle shall be a line connecting the ends of the other 2 sides.


    The developer shall comply with all of the provisions of the applicable landscape requirements and section 4.06.00 at the time of subdivision or development approval or when applicable.


    On a corner lot in all zoning districts, no fence, wall, hedge, planting, or structure shall be erected, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner as to obstruct vision between a height of 30 inches and 8 feet above the centerline grades of the intersecting streets in the area bounded by the right-of-way lines of such corner lots and a line joining points along said right-of-way lines 30 feet from the point of intersection. Parking is prohibited in this area. Trees are permitted, so long as the foliage is cut away and maintained within the 30 inch and 8 foot clearance requirement. Posts for illuminating fixtures, traffic control, fences and street name signs are permitted, so long as the sign or equipment is not within the prescribed clear space and the fence does not visually impede the clear sight of the intersection.

(Ord. No. 10-23, § 3.MM)