§ 54-274. Purpose and intent.
To acquire, protect and manage environmentally sensitive lands that contain natural upland or wetland communities, native plant communities, rare and endangered flora and fauna, endemic species, endangered species habitat, a diversity of species, significant water resources, or outstanding aesthetic or other natural features, maximizing protection of Collier County's rarest, most unique and endangered habitats;
To acquire, protect and manage environmentally sensitive lands that offer the best human social value, including equitable geographic distribution, natural resource-based recreation, and protection of water resources, local ecological awareness, and enhancement of the aesthetic setting of Collier County;
To acquire, protect and manage environmentally sensitive lands that serve to recharge the County's aquifers and protect its wetlands and surface water resources to ensure the delivery of clean and plentiful water supplies and provide flood control;
To acquire, protect and manage environmentally sensitive lands containing the most biological value, including biodiversity, listed species habitat, connectivity, restoration potential, and ecological quality;
To protect present conservation lands by acquiring, protecting and managing adjacent properties which, if not acquired, would threaten the environmental integrity of the existing resource, or which, if acquired, would enhance and buffer the environmental integrity of the resource, and add to resource connectivity;
To restore the natural functions, as necessary, to any impacted and vulnerable habitats which would then contribute significantly to fulfilling this program's goals;
To help implement the objectives and policies of the Collier County Growth Management Plan which have been promulgated to preserve and protect environmental protection areas designated in the Plan and other natural forest resources, wetlands, endangered species habitat, and vulnerable rare habitats;
Upon recommendation by staff or the Board, to utilize a qualified third-party entity to identify Collier County's best and most endangered environmental lands for acquisition, protection and management by evaluating the biological and hydrological characteristics and viability of the resource, the vulnerability of the resource to degradation or destruction, and the feasibility of managing the resource to maintain its natural attributes;
To manage acquired environmentally sensitive lands with the primary objectives of maintaining and preserving their natural resource values, and providing appropriate natural resource-based recreational and educational opportunities, by employing management techniques that are most appropriate for each native community so that our natural heritage may be preserved and appreciated by and for present and future generations;
To have the acquired sites available, with minimal risk to the environmental integrity of the site, to educate Collier County's school-age population and the general public about the uniqueness and importance of Collier County's subtropical ecosystems and natural communities;
To protect natural resources which lie within the boundaries of other conservation land acquisition programs, where Conservation Collier funds would leverage significant other matching sources of funding for other agency acquisition projects that would not be available without such a local match, or which would result in considerably higher funding rank in another program, however, Collier County shall exclude Municipalities within the County from any requirement to provide matching funds; and,
To cooperate actively with other acquisition, conservation, and resource management programs that operate within the County's Area, including, but not limited to, such programs as the State of Florida, the Land Acquisition Trust Fund, Florida Forever, Florida Communities Trust, and Save Our Rivers program, where the purposes of such programs are consistent with the purposes of Conservation Collier as stated hereinabove.
(Ord. No. 02-63, § 4, 12-3-02; Ord. No. 2019-03, § 4)