Collier County |
Land Development Code |
§ 5.04.06. Temporary Signs
A temporary use permit is required for the placement of any temporary ground sign, snipe sign, or banner that is not otherwise lawfully permitted. Temporary signs shall be allowed subject to the restrictions imposed by this section.
The County Manager or designee may issue temporary sign permits, classified by use, as necessary to adequately address each of the temporary signs described within this section. For each permit type the nonrefundable fee shall be as established in the fee schedule for the services performed by the Growth Management Division.
Temporary signs and banners shall not be erected prior to obtaining the appropriate temporary use permit, and shall be removed on or before the expiration date of the temporary use permit authorizing said sign.
Standards applicable to all temporary signs.
Temporary signs and banners permitted by authority of this section shall not be placed within any public right-of-way .
Sign placement shall not obstruct or impair the safe visibility, ingress, or egress of pedestrians and motorists.
The occupant of a lot , parcel , multi-tenant parcel or mixed use building , may display 1 on-site temporary sign; a second such sign may be displayed on a property having a second street frontage .
Absent specific standards to the contrary, temporary signs shall be located onsite and no closer than 10 feet to any property line.
Temporary signs and banners used on nonresidential or mixed use properties shall not exceed 32 square feet in sign area or 8 feet in height.
Temporary signs used on residentially zoned properties shall not exceed 4 square feet in area or 3 feet in height.
Temporary Sign Permit Types and Standards.
Temporary Events. A temporary use permit for a temporary event, issued per section 5.04.05., shall allow for the placement of temporary signage as classified and regulated herein.
A "sign only" temporary use permit may be issued for temporary ground signs and banners used to promote a sale, event, or activity not requiring a temporary event temporary use permit per section 5.04.05 of this Code. Such uses include, however are not limited to, study or course offerings, vacation camp, non-public indoor events, and sales events occurring within the confines of an established business.
"Sign only" temporary use permits will be allowed, regulated, and enforced as special event signs.
Time limits for "sign only" temporary use permits shall be the same as those for special events, see subsection 5.04.05 A.3.
Special event signs.
Special event signs shall be erected not more than 15 calendar days prior to the supporting event and shall be removed within 7 calendar days after the event has taken place.
Seasonal sales signs.
Garage sales signs. Two temporary signs may be placed on the property where the sale is being conducted.
Grand Opening signs. A one-time 14-day nonrenewable grand opening sign only temporary use permit may be issued upon the opening of a new business, or the approved relocation of an existing business.
A current valid Collier County Business Tax Receipt or an approved Land Use and Zoning Certificate (Non-Residential) may serve as evidence of the new business, or location, opening.
A separate permit is not required for a grand opening sign if being placed in conjunction with a special event temporary use permit issued per subsection 5.04.05 A.1.
A grand opening sign temporary use permit may be obtained only within the first 3 months of establishing a new business or location.
A grand opening sign is limited to an anchored banner.
A "sign only" temporary use permit for a grand opening sign shall be exempt from the annual time limitations identified in subsections 5.04.05 A.3.a. and 5.04.06 C.1.a.ii.
"Coming Soon Signs." A onetime non-renewable temporary use permit may be granted, for a coming soon sign located within a non-residential zoning district, subject to the following:
As applied in this section, a coming soon sign is defined as a ground sign used to inform the public of the intended opening of a new business.
A temporary use permit for a sign shall not be issued until the applicant has applied for a building permit for the principal structure .
The temporary use permit number shall be placed at the base of the sign not less than ½ inch from the bottom.
The sign shall not be displayed for a period more than 6 months from the issuance of the temporary use permit or until the issuance of a permit for the permanent sign , whichever occurs first. The non-refundable fee for this temporary use permit shall be as set forth in the fee schedule for the services performed by the Community Development and Environmental Services Division.
Temporary business identification signs. A temporary use permit allowing for the temporary placement of a sign solely for the purpose of displaying a business name for an existing business undergoing a permitted renovation, remodel, or repair that would require the temporary removal of an existing legally conforming sign.
As applied in this section, the sign must be constructed of wood, plastic, or other similar material, may not be a banner sign, and is limited to 16 square feet.
If placed in a shopping center or multiple occupancy building , the temporary sign for each business must be of similar color, lettering, and style.
The sign may be affixed to the building or free-standing in front of the building so long as the sign does not obstruct or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, parking or fire lanes, or access to adjacent units.
The sign may remain in place for no longer than 120 days, until construction has been completed, or a permanent sign is installed, whichever occurs first.
Temporary sign covers. A non-renewable temporary use permit is required to erect a temporary sign cover over an existing sign unless otherwise provided herein. Temporary signs shall be allowed subject to the restrictions imposed by this section.
A sign cover made from white vinyl or canvas may be authorized for an existing ground or pole sign for 120 days, or when the permanent sign is installed, whichever occurs first, after which time the cover shall be removed, regardless of whether or not the sign face has been replaced.
Election and Referendum signs. Signs for elections and referendums shall be permitted subject to the following requirements:
A bulk temporary permit shall be obtained prior to the erection, installation, placement, or display of signage before elections and referendums. The fee for the bulk permit shall be as set forth in the fee schedule for the services performed by the Community Development and Environmental Services Division.
The bulk permit number shall appear on every sign or on the pole supporting the sign .
All signs for which the permit is issued shall be removed within 7 days after the event. Each sign not removed within the required time shall constitute a separate violation of this Code. The permittee will be subject to issuance of a citation for each violation from the Collier County Code Enforcement Board.
Signs erected within residentially zoned or used property shall not exceed 4 square feet in area and 3 feet in height, and shall be located on-site and no closer than 5 feet to any property line.
In all other zoning districts such signs shall not exceed a maximum sign area of 32 square feet and 8 feet in height, except when affixed to the surface of a building wall, and shall be located no closer than 10 feet to any property line. The quantity of such signs shall be limited to 1 sign for each lot or parcel per bulk permit issued.
(Ord. No. 09-55, § 3.A; Ord. No. 10-23, § 3.GG)